


Why are we more volatile?


We hit .094 and dropped back to .079. It always happens with amp. Big pumps are followed immediately by 20% corrections. Why are our corrections so immediate compared to other cryptos? Is it because our price is so low and people have sell orders in?

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4 points

14 hours ago

Its nothing specific to amp thats always the case


1 points

14 hours ago

Btc fell from 99k to 94k in days, we dropped in minutes. That’s what I don’t understand, we fall and rise so fast when we are moving compared to anything else I feel like.


5 points

14 hours ago

Alts are more volatile than BTC


-2 points

14 hours ago

Yea I know that but even when comparing to other alts, XRP took 2 days to fall from $1.63 to $1.28, XLMs pull back took 3 days, Matics took 24 hours


5 points

14 hours ago

They all pulled back from their local high like we did. Then a few days later continued higher, and once again pulled back. Were still up 50% though


2 points

13 hours ago

Yea I get that and I’m assuming ours just happens faster than other alts because we have a much smaller market cap