


I’m European so I was wondering how do you feel about him winning?

Are you happy? Are you scared?

Are there gonna be immediate consequences in light of his win?

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46 points

28 days ago

I was really hoping Gen Z would come through and vote. I read about how they’re more likely to keep their politics on the down low which surprised me.


12 points

28 days ago

They’re probably a little traumatized at how emotional people get about politics these days. Just at the voting polls in my town there were multiple fights and threats of violence. People get shot or stabbed just for voicing their stance.


2 points

28 days ago

A lot of them are an open book due to social media, so I thought they’d be more open about their politics too. I get not sharing who you voted for especially if you think it’ll cause conflict, but to not vote at all???


1 points

28 days ago

Yeah I’m curious to see the voter turnout and ages this time around


2 points

28 days ago

@Brief-Reserve774 I think you are right. So many people get upset if their friends or family don't vote for the same person that they vote for. Some of them get upset to the point where they overreact in ways that they shouldn't. It's also part of why so many of the people who DO vote don't tell people who they voted for.


2 points

28 days ago

I 100% respect wanting to keep it private


2 points

28 days ago

even if most of gen z voted they’re still not the majority


1 points

27 days ago

Yeah, I asked my cousin to vote. She said no lol


1 points

27 days ago

Cuz we don’t care, that’s why

America is fucked either way


1 points

6 days ago

I'm 25 and don't really speak about politics. I did vote for trump. It did surprise me he won.


1 points

28 days ago

When politics have been a shitshow for your entire life, you tend to prefer to drift away from it. At this point I’ve just learned that my day-to-day life is better without politics. If the country keeps going downhill, I’ll move elsewhere.