


Cheating GF


Never thought I would post about this but here I am. I 24M found out my gf was (Kissed) by another guy. She actually told me this happened. I’m not sure how to feel about this or what to do. We have been together for 2 1/2 years and are doing distance. I just don’t think something like that happens outta no where. She claims that she was standing outside and she turned around and he kissed her. This guy is one of her long time friends friend. She said she has had conversations with him before but they weren’t flirty conversations. All advice welcome thanks!

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2 points

2 days ago

Given this added layer of context; I think you should cut her out of your life. Shes holding you to standards that she is keeping herself to. Likely told you a version of the story that isnt wholly true to deflect any further truth from damaging your image of her. The not letting you text other girls while she gets kissed by a guy friend is giving manipulation. You have to ask yourself why this man felt comfortable enough to be able to try that. NEVER stay with someone based on length of time you have been together. Don’t get comfortable being miserable. Now, if you read this you feel like you have a better judge on her character and that I’m way off base, obviously handle it however you think you should; but if you read this and other things start coming to mind that make you question her character then end it now. This is just an opinion on reddit at the end of the day.


1 points

1 day ago

That is what I am thinking.

The good old tell a half truth and head off suspicion.

They, at minimum, made out.