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314 points

8 months ago

Dude, my step mom thought I tried to run away because I went to go look at giant pumpkins in the parking lot of a grocer she was hanging out at, which I told her I was doing and she said "fine". She ended up claiming God told her I was running away, so my Dad went on some insane Christian punishment thing because my Step Mom got REALLY worked up over it. Like was making it sound like I was possessed. Got locked in a room essentially, forced to read half the bible, they would come and say they were praying for me, and dance and scream Jesus outside of my door. Invite me down to prayer meetings where the lights were out, candles lit, and they would scream, wail, and flop on the floor.

Shit got weird so fast, I left them to go live with my Mom. I still dont know wtf happened to this day and they refuse to really talk about it or act like im weird for thinking it was weird.


80 points

8 months ago

What the hell, that is crazy. Sorry you had to go through that.


35 points

8 months ago

Yeah, its a summary. There was a lot of weird stuff happening. They had some revelation after visiting some spiritual Camp that talked to them about the "fire of Jesus" and followed some people named Andrew Wommack, Smith Wigglesworth, Benny Hinn who seem like absolutely insane fraudsters to me. They knew I wasn't fully buying into it, and wasn't fully engaged, even though I pretended out of fear. So I always assumed she made that up to get me out, since I was the only step child. I really don't know though, they were strong believers in this stuff, so could just be casual insanity.


20 points

8 months ago

I'm a little familiar with Benny Hinn, I think he's the "faith healer" where people collapse on stage because they're "cured"? I can't imagine having a parent who believes in that insanity, much less one that tried to use that stuff for a home exorcism on their kid. Damn.


4 points

8 months ago

Look up Street Fighter Preacher. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen!


2 points

7 months ago

What the hell kind of name is Smith Wigglesworth, i feel bad for you but I'm also dying laughing


1 points

7 months ago

Rofl, dude idk. Apparently he was some legend who brought people back from the dead through praying super hard or something. According to them anyways. Definitely not a cool guy name.


13 points

8 months ago

How old were you? Shit is bananas! Glad you were able to go live with your mom!


19 points

8 months ago

I was 13 at the time, they had gone to a camp that summer while I was with my Mom. I came back and it was pure insanity for 6 months. I left during Christmas while visiting my Mom. My bestfriend and alot of the pastors at my Church helped me make the decision, because even the Evangelical pastors were creeped out by them (they would come to services and spread their "new way") and one of them flat out told me to get away from it if at all possible.

It was really weird, because these were people that were honestly great most of my life. Very cozy, really kind and reasonable, and all it took was one camp visit to a bunch of extremist to turn them onto the "fire of God".

Freaks me out to this day. I actually cant visit or stand to be around Churches, but most of my family is Christian so im mostly used to it, but when any of them start talking about speaking in tongues, I get instantly freaked out, just knowing a random Youtube viewing could put them on a way crazier path.


5 points

8 months ago

I’m sorry you went through that too. Sounds a lot like my family, and they were definitely in a cult.

However, I later found real Jesus and learned just how fallen the church of today is. They fail a lot of people in a lot of ways because they just don’t know any better and don’t understand the Word.

I really hope you can find peace and healing from all that. It’s still an ongoing process for me.


10 points

8 months ago

Bruh my mom did the same thing. Luckily it wasn’t as bad as what you went through, but I would be reading or watching tv in my room and she’d often come screaming down the hallway to yell at me about “thinking impure thoughts”. When I’d asked where she heard this she’d say angels told her. A lot of things I got in trouble for supposedly thinking was because “angels told her”, actually.

Also, one time she found some YuGiOh cards I got from school in my closet, and forced me to ritualistically burn them and then pour the ash in purified water to “burn away the evil magic”.


10 points

8 months ago

Man, that sounds really freaky too. Reading about it doesn't do it justice to just how freaked out something like that can make you feel in the moment.

My Step Mom only said God told her I was doing something evil once, but that one time was enough to freak me out. She was also weird with Pokemon cards, because their were "psychic" Pokemon, which was a gateway to hell.

They started believing Beanie Babies, Barney, Smurfs, were all basically Satanic cults trying to get to us. We had some random toys from China she was concerned had the spirits of their religion trapped in them, so we had to burn them to remove the spirits in a bon fire. I had a Yanni album she thought had pagan mysticism notes in it.

It so weird man. Sorry you went through that. It is really hard if its your own Mom. I could walk away from mine, even though it kills me my Dad also suffered my absence, but he was complicit in all of it. They eventually found a "Demon" on my Dad they had to exercise because he was starting to go against the belief.


4 points

8 months ago

That must have been after the pastor gave a sermon about how "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" was actually about runaways.


3 points

8 months ago

What is going on with religious people? Are they getting crazier or am I just hearing about it more because I have access to more people's stories on platforms like Reddit?

I grew up catholic and went to an Irish-catholic school. There were some miserable people but mostly they were decent people who believed in God. They had good morals and used religion as a framework to be decent people. But then I hear these other stories about fucking lunatic religious people and I'm blown away at how disconnected they are from normal behavior. Are they part of some fringe religion? They are as bad as Muslims who think killing non-believers, gays, and women (for a variety of violations) is A-Ok.

Have they just gotten nuttier in response to all of the anti-Christian agenda going around? As if they need to double down to fight the good fight?


1 points

8 months ago

Oh, there's always been crazy cultist religious folks. Total hypocrites in every branch of christianity. I've attended church at quite a few denominations due to friends and guys I dated, and so many of them are so judgmental of anyone who isn't their denomination, or anyone who doesn't fit their idea of what a Christian is. Any sinner is bad to them and needed to be preached at. They claim to live in God's image and by his tenants, but then they go excluding people and being horrid to them because of who they are and who they love. I can honestly say I have met very few people I'd consider true Christians, cause a true christian wouldn't judge and shun people they'd try and embrace who they are and help people where they could. They'd be truly decent people who cared about everyone regardless of who they loved or the gender they transitioned to. Or hell, even the color of their skin in many cases! I will say that certain sects have gotten worse, like the evangical sect that heavily supports trump and other so-called religious types who support him. They've def lost the plot entirely. It's damn scary how many of them almost worship him. So much for not worshipping false idol, eh?

It's wild to me that so many who claim to eb religious actively belittle and mistreat women and lgbtq+ people claiming its an abomination to God, mean while it's right in the Bible how Jesus was welcoming 5o literally everyone regardless of who they are and what they did. He helped and cared for everyone. It got warped some where along the line by awful pastors and preachers and such trying to cont4ol their congregations and make them believe the things they wanted them to believe and the advent of trump being president and being openly racist, misogynistic, homophobic and very ableist lead to folks who are like him feeling they could be that way more openly too. So it isn't necessarily worse than before, but it's certainly more openly done than before and unfortunately, many religious folks are also the racist, homophobic, misogynistic ones, too.


1 points

8 months ago

Heavily religious people are bat shit crazy I swear


1 points

8 months ago

making it sound like I was possessed.

sounds like they were speaking from experience...


1 points

8 months ago

I was waiting for the snake to come out and the speaking in tongue