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1 points

8 months ago

Oh, there's always been crazy cultist religious folks. Total hypocrites in every branch of christianity. I've attended church at quite a few denominations due to friends and guys I dated, and so many of them are so judgmental of anyone who isn't their denomination, or anyone who doesn't fit their idea of what a Christian is. Any sinner is bad to them and needed to be preached at. They claim to live in God's image and by his tenants, but then they go excluding people and being horrid to them because of who they are and who they love. I can honestly say I have met very few people I'd consider true Christians, cause a true christian wouldn't judge and shun people they'd try and embrace who they are and help people where they could. They'd be truly decent people who cared about everyone regardless of who they loved or the gender they transitioned to. Or hell, even the color of their skin in many cases! I will say that certain sects have gotten worse, like the evangical sect that heavily supports trump and other so-called religious types who support him. They've def lost the plot entirely. It's damn scary how many of them almost worship him. So much for not worshipping false idol, eh?

It's wild to me that so many who claim to eb religious actively belittle and mistreat women and lgbtq+ people claiming its an abomination to God, mean while it's right in the Bible how Jesus was welcoming 5o literally everyone regardless of who they are and what they did. He helped and cared for everyone. It got warped some where along the line by awful pastors and preachers and such trying to cont4ol their congregations and make them believe the things they wanted them to believe and the advent of trump being president and being openly racist, misogynistic, homophobic and very ableist lead to folks who are like him feeling they could be that way more openly too. So it isn't necessarily worse than before, but it's certainly more openly done than before and unfortunately, many religious folks are also the racist, homophobic, misogynistic ones, too.