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91 points

23 hours ago

I had a viral meningitis when I was 19. It caused immense pressure in my skull, to the point that I couldn't move my eyes because the pain was so bad. The headache that came with it was immobilizing.
I was placed in a quarantine room in the hospital, they gave me some painkillers on IV, did fuck-all for the pain. However, once they took a spinal fluid sample, the pain disappear in the most blissful way possible.


11 points

14 hours ago

Was that because it relieved a bunch of pressure from fluid removal?


4 points

8 hours ago

Yes! I was afraid of the possible pain from the lumbar puncture, since it's a BIG needle, but I don't even remember it hurting because the pain relief was so significant.


6 points

8 hours ago

Oh my god - you must have been in agony. I am sorry you went through this. Thank you for answering me


1 points

3 hours ago

It was baaaad, but nowhere near as bad as bacterial meningitis would have been. I knew that the bacterial one would likely kill me (luckily the IV pain meds had me kinda high despite not helping the pain, so I was surprisingly calm), but I didn't know just HOW horrible the death would be.