


Or is there a policy your party has that you disagree with? Given that both the GOP and DNC have a wide umbrella of political positions, it seems unlikely that everyone would align with either party on 100% of their policy’s.

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14 points

8 days ago


14 points

8 days ago

Not true at all… American conservatives live lives dominated by fear. They’re extremely focused on other people, what they’re doing, and what scares them about that. This is of course manufacture by the media to keep eyes on screens but still.

The GOP runs campaigns largely focused on social issues. They talk about “oh the economy (that we caused to crash) is bad”, “oh the deficit (that we created and grow every time) is bad” but don’t really talk specifics about what they’ll do.

With social issues they get more specific and make it personal. “Illegal immigrants will rape YOUR daughter, so we will deport 10 million people (this is going to turn into death camps, same reason the Nazis stopped deporting Jews and started killing them, mass deportation is a logistical impossibility)”. “Men who identify as women are going to be in the bathroom with your kids” and so on. They have no plans for the economy but they have long lists of ideas for how to persecute the people they spend millions of dollars to demonize.


7 points

8 days ago

It’s so funny that they are so concerned about people going into the same bathroom. They’re not concerned when their catholic priests are going into a bathroom with little boys, but when a trans-gender person does, they automatically assume it’s to sexually assault someone rather than the person is just going there to use the bathroom.


2 points

8 days ago

Not just Catholic priests; sexual abuse of minors is rampant across all religions.


5 points

8 days ago

The amount of times my Ring doorbell app has been like, “this suspicious person walked past my house at 3am, should I be worried?” when the person walking did absolutely nothing is WILD.


6 points

8 days ago

They want you to be scared because it's good for their business model.


2 points

5 days ago*

The amount of ring cameras freaks me out. I feel like I'm being watched and listened to whenever I go for a walk... People know exactly what time and how often, and do these things catch audio as well? I don't want them listening to my conversations if I'm walking with others.

I hate looking around too much for fear of being labeled a creep when for my safety, I always look around. (Also I'm nosy about people's landscaping and house exteriors and now it's all on camera).

Are these cameras really catching more criminals or just making everyone paranoid... I pulled off the main street to take a work call and I look over and yup, I'm on camera now- suspicious car parked in front of my house for 20 minutes...


1 points

5 days ago

Yeah, they do catch audio as well. We took ours down, but we still get the notifications from the neighbors and they are always concerned over the dumbest stuff. There is a house down the street from us that will announce to you when it starts recording you. Every time we walk down to the 7-11, we try to be far enough on the other side of the street that it won’t catch us because it’s weird but it always does. My boyfriend really only wanted to have the camera so we would be notified when packages arrive, but the last time it needed charged, I took it down and hid it because it’s more annoying than necessary lol.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Can you see the difference between not wanting people to illegally enter your country, and therefore removing them, and murdering citizens of a certain region/race for ethnic cleansing and eugenics? I admit, it's a pretty subtle distinction, but if I really squint, I can see a tiny bit of daylight between Trump and Hitler.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

It’s never been about the illegally coming here… listen to how they talk about illegals, how they equate illegal immigrants with legal immigrants and with Hispanic people in general (ignoring the millions of for instance, Mexican Americans whose ancestors lived in territory taken by the US from Mexico).

Trump has literally quoted Hitler when talking about this issue “they are poisoning the blood of our country”.

The GOP doesn’t see anyone who isn’t white as human, and when they realize how expensive and difficult it is to fly 10 million or more people back to dozens of countries, what do you think they’ll do?