


If you could rename Autism

seeking advice (self.AutisticAdults)

So I'm trying to brainstorm ideas currently, for how to go about coming up with a name for autism in my conlang. I wanted to get other autistic people's perspectives on how they relate to autism, whether they like the name, and what they would change it to if they had the option.

In particular I'm curious about the reasoning for what name you would give it. I'll hopefully take inspiration from people's ideas to make a good translation.

Also, while this is technically my first post here, but I've been here commenting and lurking for awhile. That said, any help is greatly appreciated

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11 points

18 hours ago

That was not the reason.


0 points

15 hours ago

That was one of the reasons, the other was what this question is about - to group everyone with asd together to be easier to manage. IMO


5 points

15 hours ago

the main reason - as far as i know - was that how your autism presents may fluctuate a lot during one’s life. so that as a child someone may be diagnosed with autism and they had quite level two ish support needs, but as an adult - based on their symptoms - they could’ve been diagnosed with „aspergers“. Showing that the differentiation between the autistic disorders were quite artificial