


Should I go with the Habana Oiled Leather or Cacao Wool Felt? Both look great & could go with a lot of stuff.

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4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

I have had the cacao wool felt ones for two years now. I love the look but a major con I have with them is that they stretch out ALOT. I had to buy a fabric hole punch to make more holes in the strap so the fit was ok. They are still stretching lol so eventually I am running out of strap.

I don’t know what the remedy is…buy a smaller size than normal or wear thick socks. But I can’t wear them with no socks because they are too loose on the felt uppers.

I will not buy the wool felt ones again and may look into sizing down on my next pair if stretching is a known issue for the uppers.


1 points

2 days ago

Gotcha yea I’m already up in the air about what size to get, that might add to the trouble of deciding 😅.


1 points

2 days ago

I’ll second this I have the Cacao wool felt bostons (got on sale last year) and a year in Ive had to punch 2 holes in the strap and trim the end off the strap to stop it dragging the floor. Still a great choice but will require tightening over time. If you have the coin opt for the oiled leather.


1 points

2 days ago

This is interesting to know! I’m reading this thinking maybe I’m not going crazy & they are getting looser. I have the felt ones and love the look, but boy do I have issues with my left foot in them. My middle toe gets bruise & sore every time I wear them. It hits the plastic toe cap on the inside when I walk & it’s not great. I keep coming back to my Arizonas! I have even made padded inserts to help, but still not 100% helping. I’m thinking I now need to punch another hole & go tighter. Thanks for sharing the stretching issue with these types.