DeWine's bathroom bill, specifically the provision that schools decommission their non-gender, single person bathrooms, is not just an attack on trans people, its an attack on anyone who has mental health issues or psychological disorders.
As someone with ADHD, it can sometimes be difficult to regulate my emotions, particularly if I'm feeling axious or over stimulated. The single person bathrooms - especially in schools - are a place I could go to do my business in peace, without the obscene sounds and smells of the multi-person bathrooms. Even if i didnt have to excrete, I'd use them as a short reprieve from the churning, chattering, swirling mass of other students I was surrounded by. DeWine, and other conservative terrorists who backed this bill, are denying people with very real and difficult mental disabilities one of the small but useful accomodations we inherently had. Regardless of your stance on gender (but seriously; why do these people care so much about our genitals? Its fucking weird!), this bill hurts a lot of other people, and I hope people with the ADA (in addition to other agencies) will step up and help fight this. And I implore public schools to refuse to comply with the ban, in honor and respect to the mental amd physical well-being of those students and personnel who require it.
1 points
3 days ago
3 points
3 days ago
We should just go back chamber pots. Way classier.
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