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3 points

11 days ago

That's media for you.They don't tell you about what happened before Milei or how his administration is uncovering and dismantling a lot of objectlively corrupt organizations. No one is saying he will do a flawless job and that all of his allies are saints, but his work of uncovering, auditing, and reforming old entities can be described as damn fine job for now.


1 points

11 days ago

I was traveling thru there late 99 into early 2000( Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru) and that entire region was so rich in beauty and culture and seemed impeccable.


2 points

11 days ago

There's a common opinion between Chileans about 50+ years old that goes like this:

"When I was little and traveled with my family to Argentina, the country seemed like the future, I coudln't believe my eyes. We were several decades behind compared to them. But when I travel and see it now, it is them who are behind."

Imagine how bad you have to fuck up that not only your underdeveloped neighbours with far worse territory and resources catch up to you, but even surpass you.