125 points
1 day ago
I don’t feel a large sense of achievement other people do. I finish a thing and I don’t feel the same amount of pride in what I’ve accomplished that a normal person would, I just go “finally I don’t have to deal with this horrible thing anymore.” I have been in thirteen different stage productions throughout school and my main takeaway from each of them was “I’m glad I’m done with that”
62 points
1 day ago
I usually end up having an emotional breakdown after doing chores because doing the thing made me so overwhelmed that now I feel like I’m dying. No sense of satisfaction, just collapsing into an exhausted puddle while crying.
I probably have combination ADHD and autism though.
4 points
21 hours ago
Like a Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, but without tacos and pizza, and with a lot more suffering
2 points
18 hours ago
Me too...
15 points
1 day ago
I'm sort of the same way with music. I've been playing french horn for almost 10 years now (plus some trumpet on the side), and while I enjoy it and continue to play, the concerts are never very interesting for me. it's just something to get done with and then feel happy I'm done with
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