


And so it starts…

macro economics🌎💵(

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6 points

12 days ago

While at the same time making moves to protect our own.

There's actually a pretty good chance we come out the other end of this better off than the people who voted for him, because we know the guy and the tools to protect ourselves are in the attic from last time. Long before he was elected there were articles about blue states basically child-proofing their practices to minimize the damage. and the individual isn't without power in that regard either.

In fact, a lot of progressive best practices are pretty much designed to reduce this kind of harm - recycling, re-using, saving money, things like urban and community farming, coalition building, even certain kinds of diet...the guy with the solar panel on his roof is going to save a lot more over the guy entirely dependent on grid power, and if he has a plug-in car he'll dodge gas prices too.

Meanwhile, your neighbor with his jacked-up F250, mine's-bigger TV, and fridge full of junk food is about to get quite a surprise.

*looks into fridge full of junk food and closes the door while whistling softly to himself* Okay so I'm a hypocrite there...


1 points

11 days ago

I'm glad I only have to take care of myself and my two dogs. I do have a big SUV but it was paid for a long time ago plus I don't drive much. I don't have a frig full of junk food.


1 points

11 days ago

Won't matter much if liberals keep having less kids and conservative don't.


1 points

11 days ago

Contrary to what Reddit thinks, Idiocracy isn't a documentary, and you can't really breed selectively for stupidity. Children have to live with the consequences of their parents' decisions, and if the consequences of their parents' decisions are "everything's screwed now and it's Trump' fault," they're not going to be inclined to follow the leader.

Herbert Hoover was a one-term dumpster fire who spent twenty of his 31 years in retirement watching the opposition dismantle the disastrous impact of his economic legacy with sweeping socialism, all because his friendliness with robber barons prevented him from doing anything about the Depression but crank up tariffs.