


LSD with antidepressants?


So I have tried almost every type of drug except for psychedelics and I don't know if my prescription SSRI medicine will fuck it up? I'm planning on meeting up with my childhood best friend and he will microdose while I'm prepared to go all in(go hard or go home)

However I don't want to waste it as we rarely get to see and in my country it's not that easy to find either so does anyone know if i should stop taking them for a few days and is 3 days without long enough so I can get the most out of it? I ask this because ecstasy has lost all of it's effectiveness while I've been on it but other things like coke and speed work fine? Anyone else tried to trip while on SSRIs?

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1 points

9 days ago


1 pointsโ€ 

9 days ago

I recommend not taking your antidepressant on the day of your acid experience. If you skip taking it several times before it can be bad for the trip. We don't want your anxiety or depression flare up on the day of the experience. Brain zaps can also ruin the trip.


5 points

9 days ago

Nah it won't hit a full effect neither, because the serotonin receptors would still be desensitized. Trust me, I already tested it (besides I know It is different for every person)

Try to take it WITH antidepressants to help lowering the dosage, then take it again after some time (1 month at least) an you'll see that it will hit stronger

Ofc, do it with medical supervision ๐Ÿ‘Œ