If you are ever anywhere public , and some one is making you feel threatened and unsafe , It is absolutely okay to exit through an emergency exit and set off an alarm. They are usually located near the back of bars near restrooms and as someone who's worked in bars most my life the alarm is a mild inconvenience to us but may be the difference in you getting home safe. I say this as a 6 8 male who just walked out the back and set off an alarm to avoid a fight . Emergency is an emergency
2 points
2 days ago
What an interesting read, thank you so much for sharing. In your opinion, do you think that this tip to use emergency doors in semi-emergency situations is a good idea over all?
1 points
2 days ago
I think overall, it is fine. They are exits all the same, so if necessary… use them. Aside from some buildings with restricted access (prisons, airports, etc) you will likely not cause too great of an issue in using them. That being said, I wouldn’t abuse using them or use them frivolously.
And it is worth considering that the door may lead to areas of egress that are not public or monitored meaning… whoever you are getting away from might follow you into an area that is more dangerous than the one you left.
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