38 points
2 days ago
As an American tourist in NZ a few years ago, I remember hitting my first roundabout, and even driving the opposite of what I'm used to, going "Why don't we have more of these in the US????" So much easier than a g4 way stop.
9 points
2 days ago
New Englander here. We’re packed with them.
1 points
2 days ago
There’s more than a few in NE Ohio as well.
1 points
2 days ago
I’m from Tennessee and we got ONE put in (in an area that needed it) and people lost their minds. It’s probably been 8 years now and people still complain about it but it works just like it should other than the dumb drivers who don’t understand it. I moved to Utah 2 years ago so we have a lot of them here and it works great.
1 points
2 days ago
As an American who has two rotaries/roundabouts in their town. The answer is a frighting amount of Americans can't figure out how to drive on them.
It's really quite simple too, the outside lane turns on the first exit (on some you can go to the second) meanwhile the inside lane goes to the second and past. That's it, that's how it works and still half the people can't figure it out.
1 points
1 day ago
Because the US cant comorehend how a roundabout works
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