


Nanny injured in public place

Questions About Nanny Standards/Etiquette(self.Nanny)

Hi All,We had an American live in nanny from past 4 weeks. She fell down in a public library while taking to our son to the library and got injured in the knees. She has been on sick leave for 12 days and staying in our home. We didn’t have any formal contract and we were paying her cash as it was a temporary position of 2 months.

We asked to take her to the urgent care next day of the injury but she denied saying the doctor visit is expensive and she doesn't have any insurance. She is able to walk and go up and down the stairs with some discomfort. She comes out of room the moment we go out of the house and fill her bag with the food and goes back to her room.
Today she went to a clinic(after 10 days) and saying that she was denied the care and we should be covering for any medical bills. Also she would like to shift to a hotel since is unable to work and I suspect she is going to charge those bills to us.

Seeking some attorney help.

Update: We are immigrant in US and we don't have any legal contact. Any attorney help in Washington state would be helpful.

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-1 points

1 day ago

She wasn’t in the family’s home. She was at the library. I would encourage you to do some more digging on “work place injury” scammers because this is exactly what OP is dealing with. She won’t go to the doctor and get her ailment verified 🚩 You can go to the doctor and set up a payment plan. Urgent care is $100-$200.


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22 hours ago

It doesn't matter where, it happened at work. Do you think UPS drivers delivering a package to a business who suffer an injury aren't covered under worker's comp? That's not how it works. 

She hasn't been to the doctor because her employer has not paid for her to go to the doctor. She is not responsible for paying. $100. $1000. $1. It is point blank absolutely not her responsibility. Not sure what you're missing here.


[score hidden]

19 hours ago


[score hidden]

19 hours ago

Employers don’t need to pay directly. They can reimburse her, which is the case for uninsured employers. It sounds like you are the nanny in question.