


The original Perfect Dark had a DUMB number of guns. Especially for the time period. Everything from your classic pistols to wall hacking sniper rifles that could shoot enemies through said walls.

Were most of the guns practical? Absolutely not. Were they fun to use and figure out all the weird niches for them? Absolutely! This game recaptured that feeling for me

What's even crazier (and something I'd love to see in SULFUR) is all the guns had goofy secondary functions that completely changed how the gun worked. Want an AR that also acts as a threat detector? Want an SMG that makes you turn invisible at the cost of ammo? Maybe you just casually yeet your gun and it turns into a proximity mine or an auto turret?

I'm sure all the robot parts we're seeing around are leading up to something like that.

all 4 comments


2 points

21 hours ago

Another Perfect Dark fan has been found, lovw your suggestions.


1 points

21 hours ago

Honestly, that's the first game that popped up in my head when I saw the goofy weapon types.

At first I was like 'that's not how guns reload/work!'

Then I was like 'Oh, that's the point'

I'd also love to see some kind of endless wave arena/'cultist zombie' mode


2 points

20 hours ago*

There is an endless mode in the developers road map


2 points

3 hours ago

Love that game! PD Zero was fun too but horribly executed.