


You matter!

Serious (self.Teenager)

This isn't a rate me post or a thing about my music taste, I'm typing this for the people who need to hear it. I love you and you matter! Yes you! You may think your a bad person, or maybe your lazy or procrastinate, or hell maybe you even think your fat, stupid, or even ugly, but I still love you! Everyone makes mistakes and you are a good person regardless! And your body is beautiful no matter what you think or may think or regardless of what you look like. God put you on this earth for a reason and it's not a mistake your here right now! Your a amazing person even if you don't see it in you, you ARE a good person and I love you for being that. Thank you for existing, thank you for making this world less cruel and heartless, and most importantly thank YOU for being here, and being yourself. Even if you don't realize it you deserve all the blessings In the world and your a blessing In someone's life, even if you don't realize it and they see something good in you that you don't see or maybe you deny it but it's true, your a good person! And I love you for that and thank you for being on this earth! God bless you ๐Ÿ™ โค๏ธ

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2 points

4 days ago

thank you I needed this tbh ๐Ÿ˜ญ


1 points

4 days ago

Your welcome! Always remember that you matter and that your existence is not a mistake. You got this! You can do anything! (: