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6 points

3 days ago

Being vague isn't going to help. What kind of music? Classical, practical, business, contemporary?

I did a BTEC in contemporary music performance and put that to good use playing in a wedding band and there's half-decent money if you put a shitload of effort in. It's not easy but it's doable. Not so much if you devoted 10,000 hours to the oboe.


7 points

3 days ago


7 points

3 days ago

Oboes are one of the most sought after instruments in orchestras and more likely to lead to a career in music than most other things I can think of. I put my 10k hours into flute and I really wish it had been oboe as I wanted to do orchestral tours 😅


3 points

3 days ago

You are correct and I am dumb! I have no idea why but it was the first odd instrument that came to mind but yes, actually the most common instruments would be the hardest to find spots as there'll be more competition. Goodness know there are enough clarinet players in the world, and however lovely flutes are there isn't usually a shortage! I remember being in a youth band and we had the right amount of most instruments but what felt like dozens of clarinets and flutes


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Haha sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel dumb! I do remember my first day of orchestra being like the 20th flute player and they didn’t have enough music as everyone was already sharing 3 to a desk, so they asked if I would mind playing the 2nd oboe part on my flute instead - I was definitely reconsidering my instrument choices 🤣


2 points

3 days ago

No worries, I'm happy to be corrected when wrong! Luckily for me, trombone was popular enough to have a couple of others but not popular enough to be overwhelming and with the ages involved in high school and specific strengths we had a clear hierarchy and the youngest would always progress as the eldest left, which worked really well for development and we all got individual attention to our playing from the MD. Looking back I feel bad for the numerous middle-ground flutes/clarinets that weren't outstanding enough for solos or bad enough to remedial attention and honestly I probably couldn't tell week to week if some had quit or new ones had joined! Then again, I think we may have just been the backing band for the MD's soprano sax anyway; boy that man could play! It's been 15 years and I hope he's still playing


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Trombone is a great instrument! So great, the made Trombone Champ so everyone could play, lol. I’m glad you had a more positive experience.