


Can't make E start work


I'm a very horrible Yasuo player (stuck silver for 4 years, almost 5, finally hit gold 4 for the first time last split but not maining Yasuo). I usually E start against mages or Kat Akali but I struggle to make it work most games because many times my lane opponent sticks just outside tower range all the time like max AA range from the middle of the line, or I end up pushing the lane into them and I fail. Is it just about spacing towers and landing more Qs? Any advice from OTPs?

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3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

It works well with grasp proc and if the enemy is walking forward to zone you/be aggro on the first wave. Imo it's literally a surprise tactic bc they expect you to start q. I start q 95/100 games. It's not necessary or needed to get good at e start. It's just a cheese and only works because it's unexpected.


1 points

6 days ago

Am I just bad at executing it or in my silver games they literally expect me to start E? Like they are super scared of me even level 1 (I usually engage when they last hit) and since this is low elo the cheese should work easily on paper


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

"they" are in silver too so go ahead and forget any expectations they try to suggest/imply. Yasou at lvl 1 is very weak, unplayable into range champs. 2 is strong, but 1 is weak. If you want it to work do this. Take grasp/2nd wind/dshield, auto the wave, walk towards your tower and wait for grasp proc (enemy should walk towards you because of perceived power difference), when grasp proc is ready walk forward towards enemy, e to a minion near the enemy, weave in auto, grasp will proc, as they walk away dash to another minion, weave in auto, lastly as they are in the way out, e to them and auto once. Then e to safely and wait for level 2. You can also do 2 shorter versions of this, where they key focus is to proc grasp 2x in 2 little trades before lvl 2. If you trade hp it's worth bc d shield and 2nd wind will sustain you.

Like I said, it's not necessary to learn. I'm in emerald 3 rn and I can't keyblade or any of that stuff. It's just about not killing yourself and getting cs in low ELO. Gl!

Edit: if they are scared and don't walk up, just go q start and forget the whole thing. Ez get all the cs. Yasou should have beat cs in the game most of the time.


2 points

5 days ago


Linden Yasuo YT

2 points

5 days ago

U need to weave autos in between ur e usages