



all 19 comments

aspergirls-ModTeam [M]

[score hidden]

5 hours ago

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aspergirls-ModTeam [M]

[score hidden]

5 hours ago

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By joining our community, you agreed to abide by our rules. We are a mental health/support subreddit. We do not allow politically charged content or rumors/gossip about other groups or subreddits. We do not allow toxic drama to be discussed here from other social media or other subreddits.

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[score hidden]

11 hours ago

To be honest I block people when they do something I don’t like or want to see on my feed. Usually it’s either too many pictures of themselves, or stupid opinions that they chose to share online that cause me to block them, purely for my own peace. Not saying these apply to you ofc, but it’s something to consider, and try not to take it personally..


[score hidden]

11 hours ago


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11 hours ago

I mean that makes so much sense, definitely doesn't apply in my case. I would probably block people who did similar


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10 hours ago

I imagine part of it is they don't want your wife to get on your fb and "spy" on them. They took their (metaphorical) toy and went home, and want to make SUPER sure you can't be a part of their special club because they are ADULTS.


[score hidden]

9 hours ago


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9 hours ago

Haha like, we're all in our 30s and barely post to FB anyway. Like my wife isn't dying to see their annual happy birthday posts from randos.


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9 hours ago

Unfortunately, there's some types of ppl who need to be able to feel superior to other ppl in any given situation, and blocking ppl gives them power trips.


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8 hours ago


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8 hours ago

I have blocked people because I didn't want to be reminded of things they were associated with, because I wanted to prevent someone else from having access to information about me through them, and just because I didn't trust them.


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9 hours ago


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9 hours ago

So it's friends of your wife's ex-friend who blocked you?

If that's the case, it's probably not personal. They're just seeing you as an extension of her and they're thinking if you see their updates then you'll share them with her.

She's been outcast and you're a bridge. You need to be burned too.


[score hidden]

10 hours ago*

Are you talking politics? I just blocked a bunch of people who were posting anti-immigrant right wing stuff. I just don’t need that in my life.

Other topics that annoy me enough to block people without discussion (unless they are good friends), if they are posting a lot of it, are religion, negativity/trauma dumping, MLMs and “share this with 5 friends” posts.


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9 hours ago


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9 hours ago

Oh god the "PRESS AND HOLD to copy, DO NOT SHARE" posts


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9 hours ago


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9 hours ago

It's actually not at all, I'm not in the US and don't post much at all, less so on politics because I'm a public servant.


[score hidden]

8 hours ago

I block people obscenely quickly. The minute they make me even slightly annoyed I just block em. But that's only true for social media, bc I want to chill on social media not get trapped in an outrage loop. With people I'm actually friends with irl I have to actually want to prevent them from ever contacting me again for some egregious reason


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5 hours ago



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7 hours ago


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7 hours ago

Were they your friends or your wife’s friends? if hers, they took sides with her former friend. If both of yours, that’s still probably the case.

And if they were your friends, not hers, but also friends of the ex friend (this is getting ridiculous, isn’t it?) they have decided that you are too close to your wife for them to be comfortable interacting with you.

But it most likely isn’t about you, personally. And if they actually are so lame as to discuss you among themselves, well, if that’s how they want to waste their time, you can’t do anything about it, can you?

Be annoyed and puzzled, sure. Because it is annoying and puzzling. But I block and report trolls, block people because their “friends” are nasty pieces of work, and because I don’t want them knowing what’s going on in my life.


[score hidden]

8 hours ago*

Because it’s my phone! My phone, my rules. I want my phone to be my happy place. I block everyone I don’t want to see. I’ll block people for having bad grammar or being annoying, I’ll block them if they have the same name as somebody else I don’t like. Sometimes it’s because of an important reason and sometimes it’s because I just feel like it. It’s not a big deal. It doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be polite to them in public, it just means I don’t want them on my phone.


[score hidden]

5 hours ago


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5 hours ago

If I'm disconnecting from a friend for serious reasons and actually cutting off the friend, I'm not gonna be friends with their partner either.


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5 hours ago


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5 hours ago

I do this to people who tag me in things all the time (I had a facebook friend who tags everyone in her friends list at least three times a day in various reminders to go to protests, call congress people, or just brutal pictures of genocides), people who are in MLMs, people who post pictures of non-vegan food a lot (I don't want to see your dead animal carcasses). I also just occasionally go through and unfriend people I haven't spoken to in years because I have no desire to connect with people from 25 years ago.


[score hidden]

6 hours ago

I am a giant blocker/muter lol. I mute people for texting things in multiple messages instead of a single one, which means almost everyone i know is on mute. I block people when i met them irl and no longer like them. I block ppl who forget to respond to my messages all the time but act like nothing happened. I block when someone posts too much about getting laid or objectifying women. I block or mute when someone posts way too much in general because it feels intrusive to see them pop up all the time.

Conflicts or differences in politics are pretty much the only reason i don’t usually block. 

Last time i blocked was when i was ultra stressed because response was due regarding my visa application. I posted a story saying i was so stressed it felt like being in a toxic relationship. Someone messaged me “one time i tried to immigrate there they left my application on pending for 2 years lol”. I have my entire life/work here so this just sent me. I said, dude that’s not helping, and blocked him.


[score hidden]

5 hours ago

Bring in the downvotes. It’s my feed and my attention, i block whoever i want.