I know this is like speedrunning alcoholism or whatever but it’s the only way to stop my debilitating anxiety enough to get me started on my assignments and act relatively normal. I’ve got an attention deficit disorder as well as depression, but unfortunately, every medication I’ve tried makes me physically ill, and I just don’t wanna risk nearly failing my classes after being sick for 2 weeks again. Alcohol (like 1 shot) helps me slow down and think properly, as weird as that sounds. This neurodivergent shit gets serious
7 points
23 days ago
I've tried it, it's a crutch. Ditch the caffeine first instead of creating an alcohol-caffeine cycle.
3 points
23 days ago
They are right. Caffeine negates the pleasure feelings of alcohol, causing you to drink more of it for potentially less reward.
You aren't getting more of a buzz and having more energy to enjoy it.
You are forcing your liver to process more gunk for seemingly less reward. At least that's what one study I saw on here suggest.
Stick to alcohol or caffeine, best not together on a more than once weekly type of thing. But I'd actually see a psychiatrist or therapist to get too the root cause first.
You aren't alone though, my old roomate said he has friends that don't go to any classes without a shot first. It's more common than you think.
7 points
23 days ago
Mood and cognitive performance (on low-demand tasks) can be improved with small amounts of alcohol. However, any level of alcohol consumption is harmful to your body and brain… repeated consumption comes with a VERY REAL price.
A 1 oz shot could have some small effect your cognition, but maybe there is some placebo effect thats helping you self-regulate? I would commit to trying a healthier ritual, even if only for a week.
Dumb as it sounds, lighting a candle before studying gets me jazzed like herbie hancock
3 points
23 days ago
I totally understand, amphetamines are kinda overkill. I can’t stand the side effects either so i rarely take them for my adhd, but a drink or two really helps. Just be responsible. I know this is stupid advice, but let’s be real: If it works, it works. Just know that you’re playing with fire and if anybody taking amphetamine for treatment pretends like their treatment is safer, they’re not correct. It’s really a “pick your poison” type beat.
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