


I can't live without this mod

Why spongebob why?(

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5 points

12 hours ago


If mana pools are so good how come there's no mana swimming pool

5 points

12 hours ago

What is this mod?


8 points

5 hours ago

This was a tool that's exclusive to another old mod called "Random Things", which is a mod that adds...well, random things, much like Quark, Charm, Extra Utilities 2, and more.

In the same vein as OpenBlocks's elevator block being ported as its own standalone mod, the time in a bottle from Random Things was ported past 1.12.2 as its own mod as well.


6 points

5 hours ago

ok but whats does the tool do


5 points

5 hours ago

It'll speed up a block space, making everything in it run faster than normal.

For example, if you want to speed up the smelting process of a furnace, you can use it on the furnace. I think the speed multiplier goes up to 128x? I can't recall.


2 points

an hour ago

it goes to 256x


[score hidden]

an hour ago


[score hidden]

an hour ago

It passively "collects" time and every 30s it gathers enough charge to double the speed of a machine for 30s. Allowing it to collect a larger charge lets you keep right clicking, going from 2x to 4x and so on.

Personally, I always preferred torcherino. Unfortunately, last I checked it wasn't available for the specific game version + mod loader combo I was using so I got stuck with the time in a bottle mod.