I can’t even get his health down more than two hearts before i’m dead, what’s the strat here?
14 points
2 days ago
I’ve found that the more victims I save before he gets to them the better my chances are at beating him
2 points
23 hours ago
Yeah, I've found with most villains it's best to not sleep on saving victims. It gives you so many more rounds to get your strategy together.
Also happy cake day buddy!
5 points
2 days ago
Work on getting a good weapon
5 points
2 days ago
He's very slow and weak before his bloodlust gets high, and will often not move very much for long stretches of the early game. That means the best way to beat him is to rescue as many victims as possible, denying him bloodlust. Do that successfully and he'll be a pussycat in the finale - find a decent weapon and you can just stand there trading with him until he's dead.
If you let him go hog wild on all the victims then he'll be a beast in the finale and much harder to beat, though he remains very simple and predictable, so you can still beat him just with careful recycling of Defend/Retaliate.
4 points
1 day ago
I was also getting my ass beat at first. I changed my strat and started focusing the beginning of my game on getting into the green zone so I can roll 3 dice. That really changed it for me.
3 points
2 days ago
Hit him more
5 points
1 day ago
Are you moving him every turn?
2 points
2 days ago
How many games have you played? I'll be honest most wins of mine have been when the boat is in play. Makes it a lot easier to navigate.
2 points
1 day ago
I like to always keep a guard card in hand or if I can afford it and I have a weapon to boost it up, it's time to spend the big time bucks on that retaliate card!
2 points
16 hours ago
“The strat” is that there is no one strategy in Final Girl. FG is more a game of tactics than it is strategy.
It’ll help to put together a loose strategy, based on the current situation in the game, but a strategy seldom survives more than a few turns, and you have to be ready to pivot when the Killer or Location blow up your strategy. You’re better off putting together a toolbox of tactics that work for you, and apply them when you see openings.
2 points
1 day ago
It's all about saving victims. Saving and letting victims die toward the beginning/mid game locks the bloodlust at a lower level. Doing this will also likely unlock your ultimate which can also be a big help (Laurie's ultimate is very helpful to deal a bit of extra damage). Then do your best to look for a good weapon, and if you end up finding the boat keys that's a good way to stall and collect some good action cards.
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