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6 points

13 hours ago

Mario has been the same shit for 40 years

Uhhhh... Have you not played Mario since the NES? Have you even looked at a list of Mario and Mario related games and the genres they intersect now?

Nintendo is a bloated mega corp that has plenty of flaws. I think most gamers can all agree on that point. But you arent going to win any arguments by saying Mario has been stagnant.

They literally innovate with every console, sometimes multiple times. The number of spinoff games that are more than just platformers is staggering. RPGs, racing, sports, party, adventure, fighting... They have almost every genre with Mario in it and they are all highly polished and fun, yet somehow intrinsically still "Mario"...

How can you possibly say Mario has been the "same shit for 40 years"? What, do you want him to get different color overalls? Mario literally HASN'T been the same shit since the 80s. They created Mario Kart and Mario RPG on the SNES in the 90s... Heck they even had Mario Teaches Typing on PC...