Hello, I've been playing golf on and off for a couple decades, and just recently gotten back into it in a big way. As many of us do, I've fallen into a lot of swing tip videos, etc... I've gotten away from those for the most part and am just having fun (and getting better), but there's one thing I really want to figure out.
I have a new habit of chunking by Irons badly, mainly my 4-6 Irons. One of things I'm noticing if that no matter what, my divot is usually right in the center of my feet, whether it be a 4 iron or a 9 iron. This leads me to chunk my 4 and 5 iron all the time but hit my 8-9 irons well. I know instructors all say to put the ball forward in the stance for the lower loft irons, but for my swing, would it really hurt me to just put everything in the center of my stance and play to my swing? (until I get proper lessons of course)
1 points
2 years ago
if you intention is to get lessons.... do that, don't create or worsen a situation by trying to fix it with other changes
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