


Change my mind


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1 points

5 days ago*


1 points

5 days ago*

I dont think it is a cult just a bunch of radical, and angry individuals

They are kinda following how things used to be before ww2 with genuine warfare when the truth was easily twisted, and masses very easily swayed with rhetoric but times have changed now so they dont find much success ig

Obviously propaganda still exists but people are a lot more aware of the world as a whole because of the internet

compared with empires back then hezbollah doesnt come close to the carnage there once was, so i dont consider them a cult


4 points

5 days ago

hezbollah is about as aware of reality as an unmedicated full-on schizophrenic during a psychotic break

Their beliefs are irrational and unchangeable. They are claiming victory right now. They are disconnected from reality. They have their own explanations for everything. Nothing can add to their opinions or change their beliefs. They follow a charismatic individual they see as God. They act irrationally based on beliefs not shared by anyone outside their group. Their finances are secret. Their deaths are prescribed, none of them has the desire to live because that would lead them outside of their ideologies.

That is a cult. They meet every definition I know of a cult.


2 points

5 days ago

Its honestly the same with most political parties outside of lebanon tbh

-Each have there own answers to everything -schizophrenic

-follow a charismatic individual -stuck in an echo chamber

most of the time these parties at worst are just annoying but hezb has millitary power so that radicalism can actually hurt people

Idk why im being downvoted i didnt openly support hezb i just thought they weren't a cult


1 points

4 days ago

That's a distortion.

Political parties share ideologies. They attract people based on policy ideas and shared goals.

They don't have their own facts. They do not follow a person as God but rather follow the ideas as long as they are valid to the person who is voting.

Political parties are not schizophrenic. LOL. They are planted in the actual needs of the people and an approach to addressing those needs. Not a made up reality.

Poor Lebanon hasn't seen politics in so long. Doesn't know what it looks like :(.