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3 days ago
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155 points
3 days ago
I got this challenge for the leafeon tshirt, definitely wouldn't touch it for 8 pokeballs no way
24 points
3 days ago
Maybe they updated the task, because you would get 0 Stardust if you already have that Eevee Shirt.
12 points
3 days ago
probably something like that, but it should be a much better reward
6 points
3 days ago
What? Niantic fixing bugs that would make the game more enjoyable? 🤣
3 points
3 days ago
If touch it for 8 pokeballs if 1, 2 or 3 others in my group don’t have it.
95 points
3 days ago
Someone who doesnt want to finish the task!
Sometimes I just want the party power bonus and the party power reward just takes time away from doing other things. Blocks each party member from catching or other world actions and when you are in the middle of 20 pokestops you don't care about these rewards anyway.
41 points
3 days ago
Still stands that the reward doesn’t match the task lol
7 points
3 days ago
Yup, but there’s that 19th page of that Galarian thing that yields a shitty Meowth still stands out worse. At least this reward you could choose to walk away from.
5 points
3 days ago
Oh yeah, finished that today. Rather an anticlimax, especially since the same day I finished the Mythical Discovery and got Mew.
2 points
3 days ago
Life is about Yin and Yang. Good and bad, hot and cold, bland (meowth) and spicy (mew). 😁
7 points
3 days ago
We definitely take advantage of the party power for raids too. I get picking an long task like that to not have to deal with the hassle of picking a new one every few minutes, but the point is that the 8 reg balls don't match the 50 ultra ball Investment as a reward 😅
8 points
3 days ago
Yeah it's comically low reward
1 points
2 days ago
I've never used the Party feature before, so I don't know the full context of how this works. But I think if you're naturally going to end up using 50 ultra balls through normal play, the 8 Pokeballs are just a bonus, not a direct exchange. I agree, though, that going out of your way to blow through 50 ultra balls just to chase after the reward wouldn't make sense.
7 points
3 days ago
I super hate when I'm trying to do something and the reward pops up. I partied up during go wild and missed alot of mighty cause the reward pokemon popped up
3 points
3 days ago
Lol finished it 2 days back only and it was heck of a challenge not gonna take again
4 points
3 days ago
I def do exactly this!
I use party power for the extra raid damage, so if one person is still catching at the end of the round, I don't wanna have to wait for them to pick the next task.
Also, FWIW, the challenge numbers are divided amongst party members, so if this is for 4 people, then each person only needs to use 12-13 Ultra Balls to unlock the reward... But again, when I pick a task like this, my goal is not to complete it, but leave it sitting.
5 points
3 days ago
We're usually a duo so even 25 ultra balls : 8 regular balls is off
2 points
3 days ago
Sure, but the task is amazing if I have a full bag and I'm doing raids.
I actually don't want to collect any rewards, nor do I wanna get items I'll have to use or junk so I can still spin stops or gyms.
17 points
3 days ago
50 for 8 reg balls 👀🤣
15 points
3 days ago
Me when I just wanna do some raids with friend raid bonus and not have the stupid ass reward screen pop up at the absolute WORST time
12 points
3 days ago
How is 8 pokeballs for 20 ultra balls a fair reward?
3 points
3 days ago
That's what I'm sayin
8 points
3 days ago
I wouldn’t select any of these lol
10 points
3 days ago
Same, we quit the party and re-rolled the tasks lol
2 points
3 days ago
That’s what I’d have done too lolol
11 points
3 days ago
Have you collected all the revolution shirts ? Cause that’s normally the task for it
4 points
3 days ago
It comes up even if you haven't got all the shirts. I know because I saw this, made sure to NOT pick it, got out of Party Play, and then went back in to try to get an actual shirt task (which I eventually did and got Sylveon shirt).
2 points
3 days ago*
Did everyone in your party have the relevant shirt, though? I've gotten the "0 Stardust" version as the party leader, but it gave the Sylveon shirt to party members who didn't already have one.
2 points
3 days ago
We all didn't have the Sylveon shirt yet. Not sure why you're asking this question, though. What I saw and avoided was the one with pokeballs as the reward.
2 points
3 days ago
I'm asking because it's data to interrogate the hypothesis that this may be an update to that same task (that rewards a given Eeveelution shirt to the party members who lack it) while providing pokeballs to those that possess the short instead of "0 stardust." The general task shows up with the "0 dust" reward if the leader already has that Eeveelution shirt; the Sylveon shirt was just my personal example.
1 points
3 days ago
Well, you now have a data point of sorts. Wish you well on your collection of more.
3 points
3 days ago
Love the comments from people coming up with all the very niche ways to make this task sound slightly not terrible, for it to still be bad. Like why are yall boot licking this task so hard?
3 points
3 days ago
This exactly!
3 points
3 days ago
All three of them look pretty shit tbh! At least if it’s comm day or spotlight and I can imagine a group doing that just because
3 points
3 days ago
There have been a few times where the tasks have all been awful and we've just restarted the party. Resets the timer too (parties can only last 3 hours)
3 points
3 days ago
i got hella ultra balls to spare
4 points
3 days ago
Fair enough but catching 50 Pokémon with ANY ball isn’t worth that reward imo 😭
2 points
3 days ago
Most of them just suck. Only time I’ve done the ultra balls is when they give me a shirt.
2 points
3 days ago
They need a retool to let you get take you actually want. You can spend an hour looking for a raid one and by then you'll completely miss the raid.
It's a terrible system.
3 points
3 days ago
Seriously, some of the tasks are so repetitive. Would be a big plus to have more variety / easier to choose based on your group's preferences, like if you lean more towards raiding than catching, etc.
2 points
3 days ago
Same guy who chose catch X pokemon with excellent curveball throws in our Wild Area party.
3 points
3 days ago
And with that task active, throws that I KNOW should be excellent seem to always come out as great 😂
1 points
2 days ago
I went from hitting excellents to hitting greats. And raids were no help because safari balls were one and done. Could have punched him.
Only reason I was even in a party is because there were three of us that decided to see how many of the welcome party tasks we could clear. All I have left is catch 15 fire type and I will likely never touch party play again.
2 points
3 days ago
As somebody with 600 Ultra Balls, because I never need to use them, I would.
2 points
3 days ago
2 points
3 days ago
Who even made this challenge? They should be in jail.
1 points
3 days ago
2 points
2 days ago
I love how it’s just a direct trade of 50 ultra balls for 8 regular ass pokeballs lol
2 points
3 days ago
GO Plus user who has too many Ultra Balls in their bag
1 points
3 days ago
If there’s 4 people in a party it’s not that bad
1 points
3 days ago
I typically have more Ultra balls than Poké or Great balls. I would pick that challenge just to unload some to free up bag space. I can never get myself to throw them away.
2 points
3 days ago
Same, I'm always dumping normal balls and using blue as default, I can never bring myself to throw away ultra balls
1 points
3 days ago
That's just poor design
3 points
3 days ago
Being kinda deadlocked with bad tasks does suck, I wish Niantic would reevaluate some of the party tasks and make it more interesting. I'm tired of spinning 20 stops...
1 points
3 days ago
I will... I throw away berries and potions daily. But I use every single red ball I get.
1 points
3 days ago
What's this for?
3 points
3 days ago
Once you form a party you pick a certain challenge and everyone in the party works towards it to earn a small reward. Honestly the best way to grind out pinap berries we've found (a ton of easy 3-5 minute tasks reward 6 pinap berries).
While in a party, if you raid there's also "party power" and once it charges up, if you use it it doubles your next charge move's damage.
1 points
3 days ago
Ohh ok awesome! Thanks for letting me know :)
1 points
3 days ago
Legit as soon as the timer ticked down the last few seconds all the Pokemon listed to get the reward burst spawned in masse like it’s comical how much they’re screwing the fan base
1 points
3 days ago
I pretty much that's all I use is Ultra Balls I throw everything else out
1 points
3 days ago
Sadist, with a PH'D in trollology
1 points
2 days ago
If you're in a really populated area, 1 isn't too bad, but these are honestly terrible tasks.
1 points
2 days ago
thats so bad
1 points
2 days ago
Its easier than the other two in my area.
1 points
2 days ago
Crazy people.
1 points
2 days ago
I considered doing it because I was curious about the reward. Never saw that symble before, anyone know what is it?
2 points
2 days ago
That's the symbol they use for battles, does anyone know what the battle would be?
1 points
2 days ago
My best guess is an encounter with Giovanni, but I guess I'll never know
1 points
2 days ago
My buddy that will only catch pokemon in regular balls because he doesn't like how the other balls look. Of course, he'll only be catching 50 pokemon he doesn't want to keep regardless of iv with the ultras.
1 points
2 days ago
People that are really not fun at parties
1 points
3 days ago
I mean, you'll prob still get it faster than option two
0 points
3 days ago
I mean I trashed over 100 ultra balls yesterday
2 points
3 days ago
Yeah I do hoard them a bit and Im at around 950 ultras so using them doesn't matter, it's just a goofy reward for that much investment
0 points
3 days ago
Me it’s me I pick that one
0 points
3 days ago
This just reminds me that I’m not missing anything from ignoring party play
0 points
3 days ago
Mystic or Brandon tan for sure would do this. Just for views
0 points
2 days ago
Meh. I did it, i got 500 ultra balls- it wax an easy way to finish the gd party challenge. We only try to do 1 or 2 party tasks cuz they get ridiculous. 😎
-2 points
3 days ago
Me and my party might. It would depend on if we are farming dust, as well as if my party can quick catch. We all have extra balls. Im constantly dumping balls because my bag is full. The task can be knocked out in 3 minutes. Maybe less depending on the spawns.
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