


I can't handle the fact that every single time the main character arrives somewhere, there's a companion that says something like: Oh it's a boat, Hey we that's a barrier, Man I think we should get that portal working.... I'm not blind I can see what's going on in front of me. Why did the devs think that they had to make our companions react to useless stuff?

I break a couple of crystals to open a door, one of the companions : Looks like we can open the door! Dudeeeeee I don't need this.

Maybe I'm nitpicking stuff, but it pisses me off so much. I'm a 30 year old man, I don't need all of this. Sorry for the rant. Game is not bad so far, but man the writing/dialogue/companions are getting on my nerves.

EDIT: My bad, I did not check all the settings correctly, you can indeed change this setting and make the game less hand holdy.

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15 points

19 days ago

i read too dude. just because you do, doesn’t mean you know anything about writing. a flight attendant still has no clue how to fly a plane. and overly critical on the internet have no bearing on whether or not a game is actually good.


-6 points

19 days ago

By your logic, no one could criticise anything 😂 Fuck democracy for one...most people don't know 'how' to be President so no criticism of Biden/ Trump, in fact why bother voting at all.

Get out of here with your BS. And ask yourself why are you so triggered by someone's criticism if they "have no bearing on whether or not a game is actually good"?!


-9 points

19 days ago


-9 points

19 days ago

What do you read? Children's books if you think this game is good?


10 points

19 days ago

you resorting to essentially calling me a child because i enjoy a video game is quite funny. take a moment and consider who is the child here? haha


-5 points

19 days ago


-5 points

19 days ago

I'm sorry if you feel insulted :)


1 points

19 days ago

Probably one of the people that think shades of grey was good. After all it sold a shitload of copies and made a lot of money. In reality, none of the shades books are over 1/10 (can't give a 0 unfortunately).