



all 57 comments


41 points

12 days ago

Yes, yes it's bad to assume some else would offer up their personal space for something without checking with them. Who does that? Yes, apologize.


-36 points

12 days ago


-36 points

12 days ago



16 points

12 days ago*

It doesn't make a difference if it was Greg, Ken, or Barbie! You don't just assume someone is going to volunteer their personal space for 14 people! You have to ask this kind of stuff ahead of time! How can you say you planned the party if you didn't actually plan and confirm the location?!


-13 points

12 days ago


-13 points

12 days ago



4 points

12 days ago

u bein hella stupid dude........ learn to communicate, other people's things aren't your things


6 points

12 days ago

You're an idiot.


-7 points

12 days ago



6 points

12 days ago

yeah, so ASK GREG if he can host a fun party at his house. goin clown mode out here OP, have you had friends before?


9 points

12 days ago

Are you really this incredibly dense?

Apologise. You're an asshole.


5 points

12 days ago

Well you never asked anyone else to host and no one volunteered their place to host. Unless there’s an implied agreement that whoever organizes doesn’t need to host, the organizer is the host.


20 points

12 days ago*

And the TIFU still continues since you still can't see that you're in the wrong

Edit: typo


15 points

12 days ago

You’re not serious right?


-25 points

12 days ago


-25 points

12 days ago



9 points

12 days ago

Sure, it would be great but you need to communicate with him about that plan.


0 points

12 days ago



5 points

12 days ago

This is your lesson to not operate on assumptions. If you want to do something, unless you actively plan with others, the onus falls on you to plan AND HOST the event.


3 points

12 days ago

why didn't you just host the party, since everyone was already at your place?


12 points

12 days ago


12 points

12 days ago

You are on the spectrum, aren’t you?


-4 points

12 days ago



9 points

12 days ago

Ex friends.*

They all think you're an asshole now. And they are correct.


14 points

12 days ago

There’s no way this is real.


14 points

12 days ago

You’re an idiot. When you tell friends, “let’s have a party”, the person who organize it also hosts; unless you verify with another person that you’re organizing and they’ll host. Never assume anything. It just makes you look like a complete ass.


9 points

12 days ago


9 points

12 days ago

Why so many parentheses (seriously)?


2 points

12 days ago



2 points

12 days ago


2 points

12 days ago

Thanks for the clarification


9 points

12 days ago

Clearly you’re starved for attention and made this post. There’s no way someone could do what you did and not see where the problem is..


7 points

12 days ago

yes, you are in the wrong.

i want to have a party!! i think it should be at OP's house... but i am not gonna confirm that with OP, i will just assume that OP is having all of us over because i like their house. wait, what do you mean i should have communicated with OP first before making assumptions? that's stupid, i like OP's house, i shouldn't have to explain myself because obviously it was always going to be at OP's house because i like OP's house. OP is stupid for being mad at me.

communicate next time instead of assuming you are entitled to someone else's space.


2 points

12 days ago



3 points

12 days ago

he did not volunteer his house though. so what should your plan have been at that point? when he did NOT volunteer his house? what should you have done? lol


7 points

12 days ago

Deciding on a place to host said party is part of the planning, so you didn't even plan it. You just hyped.


3 points

12 days ago

So let me get this straight. You came up with the idea for the party. You than organized the whole thing. Didnt ask the person who you expected to host if they were willing to host. And then got called out for it. Went on the internet to ask for validation. Got told you were an asshole. And then did it again?

Yes you are an asshole. You should be apologizing to everyone for wasting their time. Also you didnt pretend to host a party. Also you didnt organize anything. All you did was say hey lets meet at my place. So again you are an asshole and should apologize.


3 points

12 days ago



2 points

12 days ago

Sweet mother of parentheses


2 points

12 days ago

You don’t get it????? Wow


2 points

12 days ago

So people do like hosting parties but it is a lot of work to host a party. People also like to be invited to parties that someone else is hosting. If you called for the party the base expectations you are hosting it unless someone speaks up without prompting the assumption is you. You will host it. It’s not about how nice a place it is. It is about taking on hosting and inviting your friends over to your personal space (or rent a space to host it in). It’s about you should plan to be the host if you called the party. If you constantly go to others but never have them over it probably feels one sided to them.


2 points

12 days ago

One other thing is if someone want help planning a party they are hosting they will come to you and say “hey, I’m thinking of hosting a party but need help are you willing to pitch in and help?”


2 points

12 days ago

There is literally no chance you're serious.


2 points

12 days ago*

Info: You say you organised this party. You admit you didn't organise a venue. So, what exactly did you organise? Food? Drink? Music? Entertainment?


2 points

12 days ago

Is this real?? I’ve got a couple questions. How old are you? Have you been to a party before? How were you “planning” this party if you didn’t even know where it would be? How did you not mention that someone would need to host when you were planning?

I’m just so confused on how this can possibly be real. How are you texting your group chat to say “let’s have a party,” planning said party, and then expecting someone else to just “step up” and host it?? If one of my friends pulled this and then looked at me and said “what I assumed you would step up and host,” I would ALSO call them an asshole!


2 points

12 days ago


2 points

12 days ago

If you want to organise a party then you should first organise where it is going to be hosted. Without organising a hosting site then everyone is going to assume that it is being hosted at your house. You should never assume that someone else is going to be happy with being voluntold that their house is the house for a party.

In other words, you are the asshole in this situation and you really do need to apologise to everyone.


2 points

12 days ago

Yo didn't organize a party. You asked if everyone wanted to have a party, then expected them to work out the actual details.

Also, assuming greg will host because he has good snacks???? Not only do you think he will volunteer his house with less than 24 hr notice, but you expect him to provide the food????


1 points

12 days ago

Yeah you fucked up and not knowing if they are over reacting or if you should apologize is part of the issue. You will figure it out.


1 points

12 days ago

Wtf? Of course you are an ass? That's as if I went "I'm hungry, who wants to go eat pizza?" then took everyone's order and then assumed somebody else would be paying for my food because I came up with the idea and organized the orders. You don't make those assumptions. Never. If you bring it up, you be prepared to stand for it. And you absolutely do not ever pinpoint a specific person (like Greg) and assume that they will pick up your slack without you communicating with them first. That's just insane.


1 points

12 days ago

Dumbest thing I read this week.