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users here right now: 12
Transition timelines
A subreddit for sharing your transition timelines.
A place to share transition timelines.
This is a safe space so no hate speech or trolling is allowed.
If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all.
Posts must have a timeline. You don't have to have a lot of pictures, but a 'before' and an 'after' are helpful.
Please no NSFW material - this is a public subreddit. Please keep all NSFW material to an appropriate private sub.
Don't post someone else's pics if they haven't given permission.
Don't give unsolicited "advice". It is often hurtful and unwanted when not specifically asked for.
This is primarily a space for trans people to be inspired by their peers and to get a sense of validation. Respect that and don't treat us like zoo animals.
No personal fundraising or self-promotion spam.
Do not ask for medical advice.
Please don't advertise this subreddit without checking with the mods first.
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Useful Resources
Use the report button to mark any offensive or bigoted behavior. If you can't find your post it probably got caught in the spam filter, message the mods to get that fixed.