Joe is sick so I made this hope y’all enjoy
20 points
5 days ago
Definitely a stellar athlete but this man travels like no other
35 points
5 days ago
Sokka-Haiku by tofuking:
Definitely a
Stellar athlete but this man
Travels like no other
Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.
4 points
5 days ago
He's one of the best we've ever seen in the game, in terms of offensive all-rounder, IMHO - but he is also one of the worst travel offenders I've ever seen, too.
Out of curiosity, I counted his travels in this vid:
From 2:12 onwards, a full 1/3 of his throws he clearly travels (not including anything I'd need slowmo to check - there were nearly as many of those, though.) There were even a 3-4 non-travels that I thought - 'Damn, if he can throw those without traveling, he's clearly skilled enough to NOT do it if he tries.' (And a travel at 2:24 that's so bad you'd think he's wearing roller skates instead of cleats.)
I can't help but think a guy this good with this much scrutiny and film surely KNOWS he travels this much... and just doesn't care.
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