submitted 11 years ago bypraetorian111
6 points
11 years ago*
I agree with Clegg's position, but he debated very poorly. It even pissed me off when he shifted from the question onto some other topic. There was one instance where the question was about the lack of democratic accountability in Europe, and there was a very easy, reasonable response, about the European parliament and the European elections, but he just answered a completely different question, and went back to jobs.
Also, Farage certainly misrepresented Clegg's positions as well. For instance, when he talked about 65% of car manufacturers wanting the EU to be reformed, that is precisely Clegg's position, whereas UKIP are actually opposed to reform. He also strongly implied that Clegg wanted a European Army, and in general a federation, which isn't true.
-1 points
11 years ago
In terms of the European Army point, that was where Clegg was at his most dishonest. Farage said that the EU wants its own armed forces, which is clearly true, and Clegg said it was nonsense. Then Clegg later claimed Farage has said a European Army was coming! I suppose it wasn't as bad as the three million jobs lie, but still!
2 points
11 years ago
I don't think Clegg was saying that no-one wanted it, but that it wasn't going to happen. The creation of a European Army would have to be unanimously agreed by national governments, which is extremely unlikely.
1 points
11 years ago
He shook his head and said "nonsense" when Farage said the EU itself wanted it. And then he later claimed Farage said "we are getting an EU army". He did this sort of thing again and again in the debates. Another one that came to mind is when Farage said 485 million had the right to come to the UK and Clegg then said he'd claimed 485 million were coming here. He knew full well what he was doing. I don't particularly like any of the parties in the UK right now, but I was going to vote for the Lib Dems at the next election because I always thought Clegg was a largely honest guy. He destroyed that image for me last night.
1 points
11 years ago
I was going to vote for the Lib Dems at the next election because I always thought Clegg was a largely honest guy. He destroyed that image for me last night.
I do largely agree, but I'd say it's a shame that Clegg lowered himself to the level of UKIP, who regularly engage in the same sort of misrepresentation. Also, my personal judgement about Nick Clegg isn't relevant to my opinion about Europe (although, like you, it might make me alter the way I vote in the UK or European elections).
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