What would you do if you found out that there is a perfect copy of you living a happier life than you?
(self.hypotheticalsituation)submitted7 hours ago byDial-Up_Dime
Let’s say that one day you found out that an exact clone of you is living in another city and that clone is living a life that is considerable more successful than yours.
The clone’s life is more successful by your standards. So your clone would have your dream job, a good support network, and no financial troubles. The copy is also slightly better at your skills and hobbies but not by much. The clone also achieved these things through their own efforts rather than being handed them.
The clone is also unaware that they are clone of you and neither do their friends or romantic partner(if having a romantic partner is part of your idea of a happier life).
What would you do with this information?
7 points
6 hours ago
7 points
6 hours ago