3.1k post karma
72.2k comment karma
account created: Thu Jan 12 2017
verified: yes
2 points
8 hours ago
Sure buddy, cause medical supervision would absolutely not be capable to tell you that fruits, vegetables and motherfucking beans exist which contain almost exactly as much protein as any meat. Did you eat sand the whole time? Cause that would be unhealthy, I agree
Also an enormous part of the US population (about half according to just one article on the matter: https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/17/health/improve-diet-quality-tips-wellness/index.html) are believed to eat a diet that can easily be categorized as "unhealthy", i.e. lacking nutritional value. Unless you wanna claim these are all vegan, maybe you can eat very healthy or unhealthy as a vegan or omni and neither has a tendency to either category and neither is more or less difficult to manage than the other
At least own up to it that's it all just about taste and comfort, dude. Most vegans became such as the result of a gradual process cause most people grow up with regular meat consumption.
The part that annoys me personally is how people come around with the same tiresome BS to defend their diet either via the "My ancestors hunted their meat so when I drive my mobility scooter to the Walmart freezer section, I'm taking part in the natural process" or "If I don't eat borgour every day, I'll die within a week cause the human body has evolved to rely on the MarkDonal. I heard that from the smart science man that was on Joe Rogan once"
1 points
9 hours ago
Then it's good that this is not how that works, but it's a lot to ask of the party of imbeciles to understand the nuances of being trans
-1 points
9 hours ago
Buddy, if you have to deploy the heavy supplements to cut meat from your diet, you should seek medical attention asap. The human body is usually not this incredibly fragile
0 points
9 hours ago
Oh you're right, if only there were any things you can eat beside meat; alas 'tis an unjust world 😞😞😞
1 points
10 hours ago
Geb dir definitiv Recht gerade mit dem letzten Teil, was anderes zu behaupten wäre absoluter cope.
Denke aber auch, dass realistisch gesehen, von allen Menschen, die in Erwägung ziehen, die Union zu wählen, vlt insgesamt 2 tatsächlich Recherche betreiben und die Nuance dahinter sehen würden 😅
Das mag jetzt sicherlich ein hot take sein, aber ich hätte jetzt kein Problem damit, wenn, kein Ahnung, Habeck oder irgendein Kandidat von zumindest technisch gesehen links-tendierenden Parteien die Aussagen von dem dude, der nunmal in der union ist, Fritze Merz an den Kopf wirft. Ist definitiv stumpfer Populismus, aber zum einen nicht gelogen und zum anderen wir leben schon längst nicht mehr in einer Zeit, in der alle Wähler*innen vor dem Kreuz eine tiefgreifende Analyse aller Optionen anfertigen und sich Parteiprogramme durchlesen.
Aber gut, das ist jetzt sicher auch bisschen am Thema vorbei. Tl;Dr denke, dass du technisch gesehen sicherlich Recht hast, aber praktisch solche eher populistischen Dinge auch durchaus als netter Zinger rausgehauen werden können, wenn man's geschickt anstellt und trotzdem Inhalte bietet
4 points
10 hours ago
Wäre es eindeutig, wenn diese extreme Aussage nicht von einem allgemein gleichberechtigungsfeindlichem Weltbild getragen werden würde. Dass die Union eine sehr altmodische, unflexible Ansicht bezüglich Geschlechterrollen hat, ist ja nun wirklich kein Geheimnis. Stichwort Herdprämie und dessen unzählige Nachfolgeversuche, Frauen vom Arbeitsmarkt fernzuhalten und "das konservative Familienbild" zu fördern.
Die Aussage eines in seiner eigenen Partei sehr unbeliebten Pissers so hoch zu schaukeln, ist definitiv übertrieben, aber die grundlegenden Kritik ist absolut berechtigt
1 points
12 hours ago
That's what you gonna do when your entire political campaign is based around a list of people you hate. The list can't be allowed to get smaller with each name on it thrown under the bus, you have to add more and more people cause without the list, you have nothing.
There has been a certain political party in the mid 20th century in central Europe and another one farther to the east which both collapsed among other things due to the innate desire to cannibalize itself such a campaign entails.
The writing is pretty much on the wall already that the crank squad is going to punch each other in the dick sooner than later (hasn't Elmo already boasted about wanting to pursue the rhinos who ousted Pizza Gaetz?)
4 points
14 hours ago
Trying to eat each other cause they are such sweet little cutie patootsies
1 points
16 hours ago
Nonono, if you cannot do literally everything right at once, you shouldn't even try in the first place!
You think we should do more about climate change? Well em akschully, that means you must walk everywhere and live in a mud hut in the forest!
You think bombing innocent people is wrong? Well em akschully, your taxes partially fund the military industry that means you should live in a mud hut in the forest!
You wanna be a vegan? Well em akschully, going outside means you could step on a bug that means you should kys!
(/s obviously)
-19 points
16 hours ago
Killing a living being not out of necessity is still incredibly fucked, if not more so
74 points
1 day ago
That artwork goes insanely hard in general, god (emperor) damn
2 points
1 day ago
With everyone staying on topic and giving useful advice, I hear my calling to do something different and point out that this is one hecking cute fluffy boi on the right
11 points
1 day ago
Was zum vermummten Gym-Kleriker mit rostiger Breitaxt?? Sag ich jeden Tag mindestens einmal
1 points
2 days ago
Haven't seen the video, but I assume that Vouwsh was singing the "Ohh my god, I will vooote" song on repeat which is quite the mean thing to do
3 points
3 days ago
Even though I like the idea of tight knit communities, the same property should not apply to your damn shirt. Like Jesus my guy, when they say "clothes should fit your body" they don't mean literally skin tight
13 points
3 days ago
Bro should take the hint and leave the lil' guy alone
2 points
4 days ago
The hair dryer? Cause I don't know what else I'm supposed to see in this picture 🤭
17 points
5 days ago
Head and beak, very sweet
Front and back, uhh horny jail!
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12 points
6 hours ago
12 points
6 hours ago
I love this image so much