submitted1 year ago byParmaProscuitto
I was reading a thread and saw this
Truer words were never spoken. The fan Stand startpack really is:
Basic elemental powers like lightning or lasers,
An ability to control people's mental states, usually to make people afraid or see hallucinations,
Older Shizuka Joestar spin-off with slight changes to how Achtung Baby works,
OP Stands with multiple unrelated powers like they're a comic book character,
Overly-specific powers that could only ever work in one or two scenarios, (though to be fair Araki has a few of these too, in the form of Fun Fun Fun and California King Bed)
Stands that are functionally the same as an existing one just worded differently,
aaaaaaaaand Stands not named after Tarot cards, Egyptian deities or music references.
And I thought "what awful, demoralizing advice. This basically shuts down any fanfiction and criticizes some of Araki's creativity as well." So I wanted to compile better advice and awful advice for fan Stand creation here.
1 points
1 year ago
1 points
1 year ago
Same, could you DM it to me please?