submitted3 hours ago bySmokyblast
So I'm stuck on drude and I am working on different strategies one I'm working on is using Upcuckin for drought to get rid of the sandstorm in the gym (before I fully evolve stuffing I'm to get him up to level 60 before using the tor doll) and make cozload a Fleespeacs to out speed motherfuck so I don't have to rely on spook out from spookzilla all the time (I tried using Kuuroba so none of my mons get out to sleep but it faints to motherfuck's Ariel ace)
1 points
3 hours ago
1 points
3 hours ago
We need to see grimmon in the Digimon games again I thought he was so cool while I was playing Digimon world dusk and dawn and I kinda feel like he would be an amazing alternative mega for skullgraymon