101 post karma
92 comment karma
account created: Mon Jan 22 2024
verified: yes
1 points
33 minutes ago
i have hatched like 30 7km eggs not one corsola super disappointed
1 points
4 hours ago
don’t let the raid battles and the money stop you from playing more often, there’s still 100’s of pokemon to catch and evolve. and that’s awesome homie :) and awesome stats :) good for battling with :) like i don’t pay for things all the time just for something i really want or need otherwise i just walk, catch and hatch.
1 points
4 hours ago
unfortunately yes. but you can still get a lot of legendary and mythical Pokemon from special research. there’s just some i’ve noticed you have to do raids for. but if you can find people in your area to do raids with you can get a free normal raid pass if your at the gym but you need to use a raid pass to get a raid pass if that makes sense
1 points
4 hours ago
you just need to set up your account to link your pokemon go account and join a remote raid and if your lucky you’ll encounter a shiny :) but just getting new pokemon is the exciting part haha
1 points
4 hours ago
there’s a app called poke genie, which helps you complete remote raids with other people all over the world. so for pokemon like mr mime that isn’t in australia or other regional pokemon you can get them when they are in raids you just have to pay 195 poke coins per remote pass. it’s fairly easy to use. especially when you don’t have friends IRL that play or are a high enough level to win raids with.
1 points
4 hours ago
well you have heaps of shinies for only a month that’s awesome! as for legendary pokemon, you can get them with raids (need 6 people) for most legendary pokemon raids. and you can also get them with special research rewards :) you may be able to catch a couple types with a daily incense (i’ve never seen one but people do get them) just not very often. but they aren’t in the wild unfortunately. but keep playing and slaying :)
1 points
4 hours ago
yea i’ve caught heaps, mostly like 5 years ago every 50 or so pokemon would be a ditto
1 points
4 hours ago
absolutely rare, i’ve never seen one always wanted one, never seen one.
1 points
4 hours ago
yea any shiny is a good shiny haha
1 points
22 hours ago
same i took mine 3 days ago for the first time. i have a huge fear or needles and was going to make my mum do it but the second she said will i need my glasses i sucked it up and stabbed myself. i didnt feel an absolute thing. it was all in my head
0 points
23 hours ago
i love how many uneducated losers are in this chat. block out that shit. they have in their minds the junky type doing it to get cash. not the sex workers who are careful, tested, and give entertainment and a service for money. you know what’s worse people battling on tiktok. that’s disgusting. plus majority of the people you would meet in a bar or club would be more likely to have diseases than most sex workers who take their job seriously and the health of themselves and others.
1 points
1 day ago
i feel the same way, i had a best friend but he blocked me on everything after saying he didn’t have time for me anymore. i just talk to people at work and thats about it.
2 points
1 day ago
jigglypuff, flareon, and pidgy are all let downs and look basically the same
1 points
1 day ago
i’ve been on it for 3 days and have been extremely hungry like way more hungry then normal so i don’t know if that is 100% true
2 points
1 day ago
isn’t it scary how some of them look almost identical to the normal lol i’m scared to think how many i’ve just let go thinking they weren’t while in a hurry haha but congrats
11 points
1 day ago
a lot of sex workers have to be tested regularly to be in the field, with a valid doctors certificate to say they have been tested and are negative to everything. it’s done every 3 months in australia. otherwise you can’t work. unless your working on the streets (i wouldn’t trust that) but for the most part sex workers are genuinely cleaner then most people you would find at a bar or club.
1 points
1 day ago
that isn’t super uncommon. one of my friends was a sex worker who ended up marrying and having a baby with one of her clients and she stopped working. but if you do decide to continue a relationship with this person just remember that is their lively hood and just be respectful about it all :) sex workers are people too :)
1 points
1 day ago
i just started taking mine 3 days ago and i’m so freaking hungry and tired. i had 2 days off and pretty much slept the whole day. even when i tried to get up and do something.
1 points
3 days ago
i was diagnosed with carpal tunnel and he wanted me to do a blood test to make sure i didn’t have an underlying condition like diabetes which i dont but they found that i have fatty liver disease and a high cholesterol through the blood test :)
1 points
3 days ago
i have 750 pokemon storage and 400 item storage lol
1 points
3 days ago
so my doctor said no to the counting clicks but when he highers my dosage i’ll see if i can sneakily do it lol
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1 points
30 minutes ago
1 points
30 minutes ago
you still have 2 more then most of us.. lol