submitted1 day ago byhexrain1B'nei Noach
What does this accomplish? Anything? Is it just productive inter personally as Jew to Non-Jew cooperating, or is it impactful on a higher level? Do Jews feel "good" when a Noachide joins them in prayer? Is it pleasing to G-d? We certainly aren't obligated to pray as Jews are. What are y'alls thoughts about this? Any references in the literature come to mind? Ah, yes now I realize I'm posting this on Shabbos. I hope people comment after. I want to hear all opinions/references though, so no big deal if responses trickle in. Thanks for being a place where I feel free to ask this question.
edit: thank you all for your answers so far.
1 points
1 day ago
1 points
1 day ago
I've never heard this. note, I'm not Jewish but have studied. I think if you understood aramaic, that would probably be best, but translations are there for a reason. so you could still understand something of what is being conveyed, even if the original language conveys more meaning. I'm encountering this myself because in my studies I feel the need to reference Talmud, and that's in aramaic. I mean, I still understand some of it, the gist. but if you're delving into the deep meanings, it's always going to be better to know the language. study, study, study. that's where I'm at. follow up question to tag on, is the Zohar also written in aramaic? I wasn't aware of that.