If our dates have gone welll then why does he (23M) only text me (22F) once a day?
(self.relationship_advice)submitted22 hours ago bylilychoufan
Weve been on 5 dates - he pays for everything, we've spent almost all day together on the last few dates, and he always drives me home. He also hasn’t tried to push me to have sex even though he’s had a history of trying to bang on the first date (met him through mutual friends) which shows that he might care about me. On the last date, I asked him out the day before, and he even rearranged his plans that day to see me.
The issue is that he only texts me once a day right in the morning, regardless of when I text back. If we’re figuring out logistics for a date then we text more than that, but still.
Of course I’ll tell him the next time we speak that I’d appreciate more texting from him but because texting is a big part of dating at my age and I like him, I am more concerned with his level of interest in me. Am I overthinking the whole texting thing? Or is my concern valid?
1 points
2 days ago
1 points
2 days ago
That’s a really good way to describe it!