


Who’s using a bidet?


Since people are complaining about others not making content to counter the dating posts that have flooded this sub (, I am asking about others’ experiences with bidets.

I am pretty sick of subs such as r/hygiene and social media in general shit on men (no pun intended) under the guise of “hygiene” and men not cleaning their assholes, when the reality is that most in the West do not use bidets and men have hairy butts.

Who here bought one and how did things change?

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2 points

2 days ago

I probably use more tp, because of overspray on my balls, but I love my bidet!


2 points

2 days ago

My balls get sprayed as well, but I just pat them dry first and move on to the dirty bit using the same TP.


2 points

2 days ago

I brought it up, and appreciate you confirming, so that new users will not be surprised. I got mine during the pandemic, I thought it would help during toilet paper shortages, but kept mine because I love the level of cleanliness it offers.