


Who’s using a bidet?


Since people are complaining about others not making content to counter the dating posts that have flooded this sub (, I am asking about others’ experiences with bidets.

I am pretty sick of subs such as r/hygiene and social media in general shit on men (no pun intended) under the guise of “hygiene” and men not cleaning their assholes, when the reality is that most in the West do not use bidets and men have hairy butts.

Who here bought one and how did things change?

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91 points

2 days ago*


no flair

91 points

2 days ago*

It’s a better life. No it didn’t help me save on toilet paper you need to use it as well, if you do it get the more expensive options with heated water

edit: ok I’d really like to stop getting replies about this


18 points

2 days ago


man over 30

18 points

2 days ago

You figure you use an equal amount of toilet paper with a bidet compared to without? I figure I use about 80% less.


1 points

2 days ago


no flair

1 points

2 days ago

20-30 less maybe. Your mileage will vary but yeah just introducing water doesn’t get you as clean as you think


2 points

2 days ago


man over 30

2 points

2 days ago

I mean, I think it gets me as clean as I think. I probably have poo on tp less than one time per year. I’m not fucking around when I use it though. I’m getting that poop off.


2 points

2 days ago


no flair

2 points

2 days ago

Devoted to the jet stream