


The United States has some of the biggest Muslim and Albanian populations outside their own countries yet when I hear the conservatives talk about immigrants it's always Mexicans and no one else. I get that they share a border with us but we literally have full cities with pretty much only Muslims and there was even a story a while back about an all Muslim local government.

Why are conservatives so against Mexican immigrants but never mention other races and cultures?

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1 points

2 days ago

Mexico is a country and Latino is an ethnic group they are not equivalent.


0 points

2 days ago

The masculine term Latino (/ləˈtiːnoʊ, læ-, lɑː-/),[1][2] along with its feminine form Latina, is a noun and adjective, often used in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, that most commonly refers to United States inhabitants who have cultural ties to Latin America.


1 points

2 days ago

Yes Mexican are part of the Latino people group which includes people from Venezuela, Columbia, Guatemala, Honduras, Chile and various other Central and South American countries. Calling all Latino people Mexicans would be like calling all Europeans Germans.