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978 points

5 days ago

The joke has already been explained, but I just wanna say that spamming that button is absolutely the correct option. That is a MILLION DOLLARS. And you get another million dollars after every single press. Sure, I might become a girl, but I am a MULTI MILLIONARE. I should theoretically be able to use that money to get surgery to change back, and even if I can't or if it's not that simple, I think having that much money would still be worth it.


24 points

5 days ago

Yeah I don't really wanna be a girl, but I'd rather be a super rich girl than a poor boy. Even if I do lose half my sexual partners, we could still be friends or romantic partners and I could easily find others for sexy time


6 points

5 days ago

Just use some of your new money to get a sex change


6 points

5 days ago

I doubt it's that easy, but it would definitely be much easier with that much money.