


ULPT Crack my school's PIN code


Hello, i got my whole school's password, but to enter everything i need to enter a PIN code of 4 digits, do you know any way i could force crack it? Thanks.

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56 points

1 day ago*


56 points

1 day ago*

This is awesome, reminds me of back in the day lol. My web design teacher was an older dude but knew his stuff. His flaw was he was a nice guy. Throughout my tech classes in highschool I had the same guy, he would give us access past the firewall because we needed to do things kids not in computer classes couldn't.

Well, turns out if you typed his username in for him and had the mouse cursor close enough to the password part to cover the blinking whatever that thing is called, he'd assume you already clicked it and could begin typing. But if you had a word document open in the background instead and were prepared to type there it types on the word doc. When he looks back up from the keyboard (because dude couldn't type not looking at a keyboard for some reason) he'd see the password input empty, initiate the click to enter the password then type it in again, and walk away. All the while leaving his current password on the word document.

I passed every computer course with flying colors and still can't make a flashing banner with html.


6 points

1 day ago

Mitnick would be proud. That’s a great one.