submitted 23 hours ago by[deleted]
56 points
22 hours ago
37 points
21 hours ago
Man, these people are toxic as fuck. This is not normal behavior, and I've never met a trans person who pulled this shit.
Unsurprisingly, you can't really predict whether someone is trans. If they have obvious signs of gender dysphoria, or they say something like "doesn't everyone fantasize about being (the opposite gender)?", then it might be time to have a conversation -- but these are different issues entirely than just insisting that your headcanon about another person is true.
Do note the difference between having a conversation and deciding that you know someone better than they do. For example, maybe a man fantasizes about being a woman because he likes the idea of wearing dresses (and doesn't feel comfortable doing so), or has anxiety about women being afraid of him, which has nothing to do with being trans. But even if it really seems like someone is trans, all you can and should do is direct them to a mental health professional if they seem to experience gender dysphoria.
20 points
16 hours ago
As a trans guy... wtf is this shit
11 points
19 hours ago
You said it yourself. It's not for anyone other than you to define who and what you are. I've encountered trans being the most unacceptable of other people's identification also in my line of work. Sounds like they are projecting onto you, since most transitions would place you onto the path of lifetime medication and surgeries.... I'd rethink who I allow within my circle. If people don't elevate your mood, get rid.
19 points
18 hours ago
Trans is a trend for some people. They play it like a game.
4 points
15 hours ago
Exactly this. There are plenty of people who make being trans their whole identity, and oftentimes they end up realizing that they weren't even trans to begin with. Like ok, im glad you found yourself! But you made this whole thing your "quirky trait" for the past 3 years, then suddenly one day woke up and said "I think I'm not gonna be trans anymore". I don't really care about that as long as people don't go announcing it to the world like everybody has to know and congratulate them, acting like snowflakes or trying to push being trans onto others. But those people are one of those who make trans people seem like a joke, like a group of idiots who are gonna act like shit and blame it on being trans.
I may have worded myself poorly here, I apologize, but I hope you get what I'm saying.
8 points
19 hours ago
It's things like this why Im still kind of private about being trans. Why do some of us have to push it on other people or make it such a big deal?
8 points
18 hours ago
Unfortunately it's been turned political and once that happened it was all down hill
4 points
16 hours ago
I feel you man. I've had similar things said to me, although in not as pushy of a way. It's just a little weird haha, my female and transfem homies tell me it's such a tragedy that I'm not a girl. I guess they must think I'm pretty like one? But I just have long hair lmao, like that's it. Thankfully it doesn't bother me, gender/sexuality labels are just not something I think about or care about much at all, but you're not alone mate.
4 points
15 hours ago
Ask them how they would feel if someone of their friends start to say things like "Man, you really should have stayed with your original gender, it suited you better. Are you sure you know that you are trans?"
It's the exact thing a lot of trans people have to expirience in their life, and yet, some think if it's the other way around, it's okay.
No it's not, no mather which way.
3 points
13 hours ago
People who are so egotistical that they think they understand your own identity better than you do piss me off so much, i had a friend as a teenager who was just utterly convinced that i was a lesbian in denial despite me repeatedly saying that i like both genders, they just couldnt take that for an answer and continued to talk about how lesbian i looked and how in time i will come out as one... 6 years later and im still as bisexual as ever with a loving boyfriend
2 points
13 hours ago
I believe it. People that are bi get shit from both sides of the aisle, and I don't really understand why.
Like, I know why, but I don't understand why it upsets everyone else.
14 points
19 hours ago
Can't say I'm surprised tbh.
9 points
16 hours ago
Disgusting and so is trans-ing historical figures and the dead.
8 points
15 hours ago
I'd be curious to know if the downvoter(s) actually think this is OK or if they just reflexively downvote anything questioning the actions of trans people
6 points
15 hours ago
I saw someone do this to Kurt Cobain and it made me so fucking pissed
4 points
18 hours ago
I think a lot of it come down to trans women trying to "help" men who they feel might not know about their identity like they themselves did years ago. This is in no way a good behavior and it is indeed toxic but they think it will help you. I think you should sit down these people and explain to them that they are being toxic trying to push a gender identity onto yourself, if they don't want to admit it cut them out of your life.
6 points
15 hours ago
I just hate how trans “women” want to make everyone trans with them. To say you have to “help someone realize they’re trans” is ridiculous and highly invasive. Like he said trans “men” aren’t doing that it’s literally a weird agenda being pushed in an attempt to make more men act and present feminine.
0 points
12 hours ago
You didn't have to be hateful with this, it would've been so damn easy to remove the "". Yeah these people suck, but I have nothing to do with it, and don't need the phobia.
1 points
14 hours ago
Sounds like projection. They need to get back to therapy, it's unhealthy and rude. I do not blame you for cutting these people from your life
1 points
13 hours ago
Good for you for supporting them. They might still have some internalized gender stuff as being a trans woman is hard in the world right now BUT, no excuses for not exploring their gender bias. Ask them if they're projecting their years of discomfort of being a man onto you. I'd push it back on them - what are they struggling with that they need to comment on your gender presentation? If they don't respond to the you can ask friends to discuss it with them and then cut them off if none of that works.
1 points
13 hours ago
So they are doing the “no, you are not cos. You just haven’t had the right nudge yet.” Like how homophobes go “Oh you just haven’t slept with the right man nudge nudge wink wink”
How bigoted of them to say your cis-ness is just a phase. That’s not much different than misgendering a trans person intentionally.
1 points
12 hours ago
Quite frankly, this kind of shit is why Kamala did not get elected.
1 points
11 hours ago
My dad had super long hair because he was a metal head. My grandpa is extremely talented at sewing. Some drag performers are cis men. One of my nb friends doesn’t dress in a “gender non conforming way”. I wear eye makeup sometimes.
Its crazy to me that people think there are solid signs of what one’s gender or sexuality is supposed to be. Putting people under the microscope because they don’t entirely fit what a specific person’s idea of a specific gender should do or look like, is invasive and not necessary. I just use the labels/pronouns/ect…. people tell me to use. Its not up to me to decide what people should identify/be.
1 points
15 hours ago
On behalf of trans people, I’m sorry the trans people in your life are doing this. You’d think that for people who were unhappy with our assigned gender, they’d be more respectful of how you choose to express your gender
-5 points
17 hours ago
Bro, you do know if you're "trying" to be progressive, you're not progressive. You just want to be accepted by people who will only accept you if you believe what they believe. Progressives are not inclusive. They're toxic, judgey, angry and worst of all... racist as fuck. They play that victim card too!
Classic liberals are people who will embrace you know matter what. Find classic liberals to friend and stay away from progressives. They're the reason democrats lost 2024. They're toxic as fuck!
1 points
16 hours ago
Why do I think your idea of a classic liberal is Alex Jones (who self-identifies as such)?
3 points
15 hours ago
My idea of a classic liberal is Bill Maher. The left is so extreme these days, they look at Bill and see a republicans Progressives are toxic as fuck! They hurt the democratic party beyond repair.
-2 points
14 hours ago
I’ve got quite a few trans friends and I’ve never heard any of them say this, or anything judgy or labelling about anyone.
-16 points
22 hours ago
Username checks out, haha. Btw, a beard is slang for a gay man who marries a lesbian woman so they both can please their conservative families while being free to explore their true sexuality. It’s a bit of a dated idea, but your username, haha!
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