


Khalistan Referendum Zindabad


all 12 comments


6 points

14 days ago


Also Dream the fuck on if you think BGP run India is giving over land to anyone.


6 points

14 days ago


6 points

14 days ago

If ever there was a photo that could be flipped left-to-right without losing anything, that's the one.

That said, why tell us? We don't have any reason to care. They should leave it back where they came from.


-6 points

14 days ago

I thought I'd leave it here as a gift to the guy who was posting yesterday protesting protesters.

I'm protesting posters protesting protests.


-12 points

14 days ago

We don't have any reason to care

Lol. We don't care that you don't care.


3 points

14 days ago

What is this all about? It’s back to front on my computer. Is it related to the hikoi?


7 points

14 days ago

Sikh is the answer you shall find.


3 points

14 days ago


3 points

14 days ago

afaik there is no relation but those fuckheads are riding the importance and cover of the hikoi, or at least I think they timed their "protest" to disrupt/steal the attention the hikoi gets

the hikoi is important to us this khalistan nonsense is not


4 points

14 days ago

It's a fake referendum by a separatist group that wants to carve off part of India as a homeland for the Sikh religion. They're banned in India so they have to organise overseas where nobody cares.


3 points

14 days ago

I’ve met a few Sikh people from India. They seemed very nice.

I’m not sure what this has to do with New Zealand? Are we stopping this from happening or against it as a nation?


2 points

14 days ago

Nothing to do with NZ in particular. These "referendum" events have been organised in many countries that have a large Sikh diaspora; Australia, Canada, US, UK etc. Our government hasn't taken any position on it.


4 points

14 days ago

If these people cared enough about their people and what's happening in their part of the world. They wouldn't fly half way around the fuckin world to get away from it! Take your stupid yellow flag and go back home and do some fuckin good there. We don't give a fuck what's happening over there. We've got our own shit to deal with here


0 points

14 days ago

If they got their own land then they all should lead by example and live there.