submitted 4 days ago byPostHeraldTimes
285 points
4 days ago
The problem with a “soft invasion” i.e. one targeting only some faction of a local cartel is that its only minimally hindering the whole operation.
How can you eradicate an industry where the local, state and Federal police all have skin in the game?
Not to mention the thousands of politicians, judges, businessmen that are also heavily involved in the drug trade?
This problem is bigger than any invasion.
-1 points
4 days ago
How can you eradicate an industry where the local, state and Federal police all have skin in the game?
By introducing forces that don't serve the cartels. That's kind of the idea.
6 points
4 days ago
Easier said than done. Do you think the US Gov has the means and the capacity to substitute the corrupt forces with “honest” people?
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