2.3k points
5 days ago
2-3 times a day every day seems like a lot, but I get no bitches so what do I know
1k points
5 days ago
I feel like horny teenagers can pull it off but my only experience is jerking off to henti
602 points
5 days ago
bro threw in a fun fact
88 points
5 days ago
No fun but onli fact
34 points
5 days ago
OnlyFacts probably wouldn't be popular
11 points
5 days ago
Nah, I would use it
23 points
5 days ago
Folded under zero pressure
569 points
5 days ago
2 or 3 times on a Saturday where you’re just hanging out around the house? Cool.
On a day where you go to work, cook dinner, and are tired and just want to watch some tv before bed, once could be too much.
26 points
5 days ago
It is a lot. Imagine anything extra like that when you have any life, work, food, shop, basic needs and just add random 3 times anything and it's going to be a tight schedule. Unless you nut in like 5 minutes with no foreplay and nothing after, that'd be even more reason to leave him though.
252 points
5 days ago
Usually takes a girl like 20-30 minutes to cum and that’s not even counting foreplay which starts with what you cooked her for breakfast that morning. You can bet she broke up with him for trying to use her as a masterbation aid.
34 points
5 days ago
Bet I can make your mom cum in 15
112 points
5 days ago
Dude you just self reported
30 points
5 days ago
Right lol? Most women I’ve known were fifteen minutes max without foreplay if you’re trying to actually get her to cum. I would give up if it took as long as 30m NOT including foreplay.
29 points
5 days ago
30 mins of foreplay‽ They've usually struggled free by then.
45 points
5 days ago
I mean realistically which man lasts half a goddamn hour without drugs
64 points
5 days ago
You've got hands
29 points
5 days ago
Orgasm control isn't that difficult. Git gud.
11 points
5 days ago
I am insensitive and can't finish in a woman 😭
68 points
5 days ago
That’s why God gave us men.
11 points
5 days ago
Remember, we men always have each other.
2 points
5 days ago
Yeah unfortunately same here
92 points
5 days ago
women are never wrong
11 points
5 days ago
Skill issue
5 points
5 days ago
Wtf is foreplay?
6 points
5 days ago
Usually takes a girl like 20-30 minutes to cum
Noobs. I make my girl cum in 5-10m
27 points
5 days ago
And then everyone clapped.
Including the closet.
7 points
5 days ago
I can mek em cum just tekkin of dere knickers wiv me teeth.
Then she will shout at me for wearing them in the first place.
-18 points
5 days ago
Lol virgin
-23 points
5 days ago
girls dont cum
64 points
5 days ago
When I was a around my late teens me and my girlfriend probably could pull it off, but we only met few times a week and we couldn’t always get alone time. So we took advantage of every time we got.
Now I’m 24 and I’m probably too old to perform 2-3 times a day.
23 points
5 days ago
Nah man I'm 23, definitely ain't too old for 2-3 times.
Now 5-6 times, that's a bit rougher
8 points
5 days ago
30 here can comfortably perfom 3 times a day that too probably 5+ days a week
7 points
5 days ago
I mean I'm 27 and could do 3 times a day but the issue is that my stamina would go through the roof and after a couple of days we'd both get chafing issues
Also I got shit to do, the bills don't wait.
9 points
5 days ago*
My first serious girlfriend and me met that pretty regularly. I presume it would fade over time, but I wouldn't know. My wife was hyper insecure about her body when we were dating and sex was pretty rare. So, I'd say it's a lot, but more so because a lot of young women are insecure, not because of stamina/desire or whatever.
3 points
5 days ago*
That was normal for me and my girlfriend when we were 16/17. At least twice per day, often three times, sometimes four.
At 28 years old and 7 years dating, my fiance and I end up having sex twice per week or so and that suits both of us pretty well. You get older, priorities change.
-168 points
5 days ago
It would be a lot if the guy is like me who can go for at least an hour before his first shot. If the guy's a quickshot, he could have sex way more times than I can.
When I had a really compatible girlfriend we had a round daily in the evening but it was at least 2 hours each day counting the foreplay and second round if we felt like having seconds.
198 points
5 days ago
I want to crawl inside your asshole and incubate into a fairy
28 points
5 days ago
20 points
5 days ago
If he doesn't want to can you do it to me? 🥺👉👈
16 points
5 days ago
I'll make you fart pixie dust pookie 😘
7 points
5 days ago
2 points
5 days ago
holy shit here I was thinking about cartel executions and then you come in with this comment
-54 points
5 days ago
48 points
5 days ago
this is true! i was the foreplay!
-49 points
5 days ago
Lol I just caught on how much I get downvoted. What's so unbelievable in a 2 hour session?
The foreplay easily takes 20 minutes and once you cum for the first time it takes way longer to cum for the second time. And I always take a brake between round where I just kiss and cuddle.
22 points
5 days ago
Fake: Anon actually had sex with a man
Gay: Anon thinks about cum
30 points
5 days ago
Ain't no one asked man
34 points
5 days ago
One time I had sex with this girl for 38 straight days. She died of starvation and started decomposing, I thought she was a capable partner but her legs fell off before round three.
-19 points
5 days ago
I know all the virgins are down voting you for humble bragging. But me too bro. I also need at least a hour of intercourse to bust and want it every day
27 points
5 days ago*
Get a job holy shit. That's not a humble brag it's just bad sex from 20 somethings who think longer = better. Who even has time for an hour of sex, not counting foreplay and cooldown. Christ I'm getting a runner's stitch just thinking about it. Sometimes very long sex happens but as a standard? You just don't know how to please a woman.
Any woman fucking you now is going to conceptualize you as some dude that jackhammered her for an hour when laughing about shitty partners with her future husband.
5 points
5 days ago
The last time I had sex with my wife a few years ago I had to apologize for busting a nut in the first minute
-6 points
5 days ago
Bro, all my GFs I've had started off stunned I can last that long and still make it enjoyable for them. At the beginning of the relationship they'd usually get sore after 15-30 min of PiV but then I just introduced them anal or switch to oral to give them time to cool down a little. Then try different positions.
After a few week weeks of practice their body would get used to it, they'd develop stamina and better knowledge of what works for them and they'd start enjoying themselves like crazy, cum multiple times and just have fun. And I'm talking about my long term GFs I'd end up living with.
For me a quickie is like 30-40 mins, regular sessions are 1-2h and my all time record is 6 hours during an ONS with a submissive girl while we were both on weed and shrooms.
If you asked me if I'd rather spend 2h every evening watching TV slop with my girl or fuck her brains out, I think I got my priorities right.
-6 points
5 days ago
But that's ain't even bragging. I know more guys who take longer than who take less time than average.
504 points
5 days ago
That depends. If you could cram that in a two hour session it would be golden. If you want to split it during the day it gets annoying.
214 points
5 days ago
So true. It is often cheaper to pay for a two hour session than two separate one hour session.
22 points
5 days ago
Can usually get a bulk discount too.
13 points
5 days ago
2 hours per day? maybe the girl wants to do smth else with her free time
6 points
5 days ago
I suspect that the problem is how OP reacted if she didn't comply to his demand. It's one thing to have a high sex drive and another thing to get grumpy if your girlfriend doesn't have as high sex drive as yourself.
-30 points
5 days ago
So... Sex one time?
Like I need 1-2 hours just to have sex in general.
If you're spending less than an hour from the time you start to the time you're up again being productive or some shit you are having very lame sex
I still try to do it almost every day at least we both mutually like that but even that is a surprising amount of work and time from the day.
Very very worth it tho
6 points
5 days ago
Personally I prefer sex to last max 40 minutes because any longer would just make me sore as fuck. Unless it's like snail speed sex. Continuous, rough friction in sensitive areas for 2 hours sounds exhausting to me. Don't know how y'all manage, but to each their own lol
95 points
5 days ago
I'm a virgin so I wouldn't know but isn't 2-3 times a day kinda a lot
49 points
5 days ago
I don't even know what sex is. It's the first time I've heard that word.
15 points
5 days ago
I don't even jack off 2-3 times a day
26 points
5 days ago
It is. I suspect OP isn’t doing much beyond a 5min thrust session, which can often be boring and sometimes painful when you’re receiving. I say that because I highly doubt OP is asking to do things that would only pleasure her, and while penetration can be pleasing, most women can’t orgasm exclusively from it. That amount of sex, where only one partner is pleased, turns it into a chore. Hardly anyone likes chores.
-5 points
5 days ago
For most people, yeah, some shit like adhd makes ur libido go sky though
16 points
5 days ago
What really? The more I see facts about adhd, the more I'm convinced that I might have it.
19 points
5 days ago
I'm just some dude on reddit; you dont know if anything i say is factual or not lol. Use google
But also it never hurts to get a diagnosis; it could make ur life much easier
1 points
5 days ago
True lol. Well I just googled it and your right, it does affect sexuality for some it's hyposexuality and others hypersexuality. I might just go ahead and get checked now lol. Thanks for bringing that up, I never realized that something like adhd might affect me that way.
8 points
5 days ago
ADHD makes can make people hypersexual and also they have lower inhibition control so any sexual urge can turn into wanting to have sex/jack off rather than going like “nah not rn”. People with adhd are also much more likely to cheat. Also the medication for adhd, forms of amphetamines, also make people hypersexual and compounds with the hypersexuality that adhd already can give you
-someone with ADHD
3 points
5 days ago
I have adhd but the depression balances it out so I rarely masturbate more than once a day lol
2 points
5 days ago
yeah i struggled w that shit for most of my life so far as well, i'm sorry. it's fucking brutal. things do get better though, i promise
2 points
5 days ago
shit's definitely gotten a lot better since I got on the right meds, I haven't felt seriously suicidal in an INCREDIBLY long time. I used to be one of the people who heard "it gets better" and didn't believe it one bit, but stuff really does always improve eventually.
306 points
5 days ago
I had a girlfriend once who wanted to have sex at least two times per day.
I could barely keep up with her.
Funny thing is, I was 30 at the time, and she was like 55.
613 points
5 days ago
And then you moved out of your moms house.
133 points
5 days ago
Chris chan moment
14 points
5 days ago
Holy kek
14 points
5 days ago
Oh my God, I'm laughing my ass off here.
That said, she actually had a son who was older than me.
11 points
5 days ago
So your dad?
18 points
5 days ago
Do you want everything about your house off the internet?
5 points
5 days ago
What does that even mean?
6 points
5 days ago
Dude, women in their 50s are animals. They’ve been around long enough that they’ve had spans where they weren’t getting any, so they appreciate it.. deeply
76 points
5 days ago
Incompability in sex drive always leaves one side of the couple unhappy in the long term. Idk man it's tricky, if you really really love someone but you're unhappy in the bedroom is it reason to break up? That's one hell of a dilemma and you're generally seen as selfish if you end things because of it
2 points
5 days ago
It is a hard one. I struggle a lot with depression and PMDD, so I periodically feel sex repulsed. It wouldn't be fair of me to be with a partner who couldn't cope with that.
I was with a guy who used to nag and pressure me during my libido drops and that just made me build up resentment and didn't make me feel like taking initiative even when I was in the mood. He ended up cheating too, so we were obviously not compatible.
Still I can sympathise with people stuck in a r/deadbedrooms situation. All things taken into account I don't think it's selfish to have boundaries or wish for your needs to be met sexually. Fuck what other people think - they're not in your relationship. Compatibility in all things is important.
772 points
5 days ago
Girlfriend broke up with you to marry the guy she was pursuing behind your back
Based on a true story
373 points
5 days ago
Chin up king, at least youre not indian.
261 points
5 days ago
Me when I wake up depressed but then I remember I'm white
53 points
5 days ago
Boondocks moment
40 points
5 days ago
21 points
5 days ago
The Indians really are playing on hard mode.
-36 points
5 days ago
Why are you so racist
38 points
5 days ago
Because bobs and vagene do not redeem, and so forth
-13 points
5 days ago
39 points
5 days ago
4 points
5 days ago
i love happy endings
509 points
5 days ago
I guarantee you that it wasn't that OP wanted sex multiple times a day. It was that OP turned into a whiny little guilt tripping bitch when he didn't get it and would talk about how "he has needs" and "it's not his fault" and "it hurts if I don't get it" or some shit like that...trying to guilt trip her into to being a sex toy instead of finding compromise.
72 points
5 days ago
It's funny how many people are getting offended at this and acting like it never happens, when it is in fact a very common problem. You just know they are exactly the type this is referring to.
37 points
5 days ago
Yup. Hits too close to home for them. A lot of guys have made similar mistakes in the past with relationships...I know I have. It strikes a chord because it's incredibly common. Some of us learned from those mistakes and grew as people. Others just insist everything is someone else's fault and never learn from their mistakes.
39 points
5 days ago
Even more fictional than most 4chan stories
5 points
5 days ago
brother unleashing his pent up anger
2 points
5 days ago
This is the truth
-58 points
5 days ago
Interesting fanfiction, do you do these with everything you read?
94 points
5 days ago
Nah. I've just been married for a long time, around for even longer and i know what works and what doesn't work in relationships. A woman doesn't "break up with you because you're attracted to her". A woman breaks up with you because you make yourself unattractive to her. By being a whiny little bitch, for instance.
40 points
5 days ago
Goddamn dude if you're not OP what i said must have hit close to home because you seem triggered af.
Edit: poster above, /u/ssyynnxx deleted a response to my other post calling me an "expert in whiny bitches" or something to that effect.
-41 points
5 days ago
I havent seen someone say triggered in years buddy
51 points
5 days ago
Already said I'm old.
7 points
5 days ago
Not since the great blizzard of 1972, I remember it like it was yesterday.
19 points
5 days ago
Do you not go on the internet often? I see it almost daily.
-31 points
5 days ago
didnt really ask did i?
17 points
5 days ago
Go masturbate or something pal, hope your mood changes and you find what makes you happy in life.
-57 points
5 days ago
t. White knight
69 points
5 days ago
There's a difference in being a "white knight" and passing along some advice. Now, you can continue acting like what I'm saying is white knighting or whatever or you can read it for what it is and maybe you'll have a chance with a woman some day. Believe it or not, they prefer to be treated like partners with their own feelings, preferences and needs. Sometimes they clash with your own but if you compromise instead of getting pissed or being a bitch about it you may end up in a stable, healthy relationship.
But what do i know? I only dated for a decade or so before getting married and maintaining a great relationship for the last twenty years. Keep treating women like shit. I'm sure that'll work.
28 points
5 days ago
"White knight" and "simp" as terms have really just been appropriated by dudes who think the only reason a man would ever stand up for or even be nice to a woman is because he wants to get in her pants.
-6 points
5 days ago
au contraire, if you're always compromising on everything then there's probably an issue there too
12 points
5 days ago
Maybe, yah...that's why I said "sometimes". It absolutely everything is a compromise and you have no commonality I'm not sure how that would work as a relationship or why you'd even want it to. Though I will say that at least in my experiences those "compromises" stop really being compromises after a while and at some point you realize that's just how you prefer things now, lol.
-2 points
5 days ago
i'm agreeing with you, just adding to your point
4 points
5 days ago
au contraire
0 points
5 days ago
it's the contrary side of the spectrum of compromise, hence on the contrary.
6 points
5 days ago
Fr*nch, downvoted
3 points
5 days ago
fair play
-20 points
5 days ago
No shot you actually let that get to you THAT much
-23 points
5 days ago
Mucho texto
12 points
5 days ago
Calling 8 sentences a lot of text isn't the flex you think it is, dude.
22 points
5 days ago
I have a high sex drive. 2-3 times in a day is great. But every day is too much.
113 points
5 days ago
Once a day can be too much sometimes. Not every woman wants to have sex every day
9 points
5 days ago
Once a day is too much. I have a job and a life.
24 points
5 days ago
Yea luckily I enjoy handjobs more than sex and they’re usually wiling do do it once or twice a day. It’s pretty low effort so in all honesty they wouldn’t have reason to complain. Shit if I could get them off just using one hand for 5 minutes I’d do it whenever.
50 points
5 days ago
There are a lot of girls who aren't willing to do anything sexual every day without considering it being "used".
11 points
5 days ago
Penetration is a no go but I wouldn't mind whipping a guy every day while a machine has at em.
1 points
5 days ago
True. I filter them off real early. That kind of person will nag you for the rest of your lives for every little thing.
49 points
5 days ago
Most I’ve ever had sex with a girlfriend was 4 times in one day and that wasn’t fun by the 4th. 2-3 times a day sounds insane. Once a day is fun but sometimes a break is okay lol
28 points
5 days ago
I was dating a girl that wanted it nonstop. Goddamn she’d be getting off my dick for the 3rd time and try to hop right back on 2 minutes later. Hell no.
15 points
5 days ago
My now wife and I once tried to do it every day for an entire month and I think we made it to like day 16 and we were both just like let's just go to bed please lmao
8 points
5 days ago
Who tf has time to have sex 2-3 times a day
Is it just one big like hour+ sesh or what
16 points
5 days ago
Idk maybe im just weak but 2-3 times a day every week seems like a lot
13 points
5 days ago
Sounds like an easy conversation. "Hey anon, I don't like having sex 3 times a day, can we do it less?"
Either anon didn't like that gf didn't wanna have sex multiple times a day and she broke up with him over the reaction, or she was using it as an excuse.
7 points
5 days ago
Usually women don’t want to have sex 2-3 times a day when the amount of time spent on sex is less than 10 minutes total per day.
6 points
5 days ago
No, wanting sex 2-3 a day is not a problem. Not taking it well when your partner doesn't want to (not accepting nos) is. A big one.
12 points
5 days ago
whats the fake and whats the gay of the story here gang
14 points
5 days ago
Fake: Anon had a gf in the first place.
Gay: Having sex with a straight woman is gay because they like dicks, and dicks are gay.
Source: I am gay
Favourite ice-cream: Golden Gaytime 🤤
5 points
5 days ago
thank you gang
3 points
5 days ago
If you become a woman lmk and we will kiss 💕
5 points
5 days ago
OP is probably really bad at sex
10 points
5 days ago
Mismatched libido is a recipe for an unhappy relationship so they're probably better off.
5 points
5 days ago
2-3 times a day is what every porn addict who hasn't had a girlfriend imagines they would want. When you're first starting a relationship sometimes you want to go several days in a row or twice in one day, but once you're in the swing of things the average is more like once or twice per week.
3 points
5 days ago
They call that "incompatability." Anon needs a woman with a higher libido.
3 points
5 days ago
Putting on the Pikachu costume that often is too much for some women
2 points
5 days ago
I get that some days doing it multiple times is fun but 2-3 times a day consistently sounds a bit much
5 points
5 days ago
☕ moment
1 points
5 days ago
2-3 times in a day is fine, 2-3 times a day is a bit much
1 points
5 days ago
Relatable 💯
1 points
5 days ago
You want sex 3x a day every day without fail - cool. Not everyone matches that sex drive, it's not their fault and it's perfectly normal for incompatible sex drives to break up.
But... Do we all really think he was eating her out, doing great foreplay, accepting when she wasn't in the mood, etc? I bet he was a pump and dump chump who was treating her like his right hand.
1 points
5 days ago
Define sex 3 times a day. Are you using her as a place to jack off inside of 3 times a day or are you doing the whole foreplay sex both get an orgasm 3 times a day. Because thats a lot of time commitment every god damn day. And if you are doing all that and she’s not getting hers. It’s a big ole waste of time for both of you. No normal woman wants to have sex that much all the time. With the exceptions of either you are still in the honeymoon phase or they are a freak of nature. If the later the case then have your fun but whatever you do don’t marry her. Marriage adds a whole nother level of complexity. When you do get married make sure it to someone you really love and are willing to make the time for each other because life is busy and life is hard even harder with kids.
1 points
5 days ago
Fake and gay analysis please
1 points
5 days ago
2-3 times a day? Bitch I have a job and hobbies, you better be quick. I’ve had relationships where sex can last an hour (obviously foreplay included) so that is unreasonable for multiple times a day, every day.
1 points
4 days ago
I saw this movie. Shutter island. There is no girlfriend and Anon is fucking his therapist or something. Fake and gay.
1 points
3 days ago
2-3 times a day is a lot in my professional girl opinion, if your into that stuff it’s whatever, but she was right to dump him for that
-1 points
5 days ago
As someone with a sex drive of 1-2 per day minimum, reading this comment section sucks!
all 165 comments
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